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The Duke (2020)

Comedy | 95 minutes
3,32 141 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Roger Michell

Stars: Jim Broadbent, Helen Mirren and Fionn Whitehead

IMDb score: 6,9 (14.095)

Releasedate: 23 July 2021

The Duke plot

"A priceless true story."

Kempton Bunton is a 60-year-old taxi driver. In the year 1961 he commits a notorious theft. He steals Goya's famous portrait of the Duke of Wellington. This is located in the National Gallery in London. Based on a true story.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Kempton Bunton

Dorothy Bunton

Jackie Bunton

Jeremy Hutchinson

Irene Boslover

Kenny Bunton

Dr. Unsworth

Neddie Cussen

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  • 12050 messages
  • 10359 votes

Excellent film about a man who disagrees with the TV tax he has to pay. Based on a true story about an art heist in the early 1960s, the film is entertaining from start to finish. Two wonderful roles by Helen Mirren and especially Jim Broadbent in this latest Roger Michell film. A narrow 4.0 stars.

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Unfortunately I cannot share the positive comments. I had high expectations based on the reviews and the trailer, but the film failed to live up to them. In fact, they managed to put every nice scene of the film in the trailer and what remains is a somewhat boring, long-winded film that lacks speed. There is little wrong with the actors: they do their job well and Jim Broadbent in particular plays authentically and strongly. But that is unfortunately not enough: even with only 96 minutes it feels like a long sitting in which very little happens. Too much time is taken - especially in the middle part - which adds little to the film or the story. And the film cannot reach the class of Mike Leigh, for example, where merely making a sketch of life in a poor working-class English neighborhood is enough to keep you focused. The absolute highlight of the film is the interrogation in the courtroom. But I can't give it more than 2.5 stars. Too bad, in my opinion it could have been much more with a better script.

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  • 7948 messages
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"The Duke" of how a bright citizen works his way out of the courtroom by only proclaiming truths and at the same time winning the hearts of, yes, everyone.
Comedy, based on a true event, which also manages to touch a sensitive chord.
British of course, in humor, era, decors...
Beautifully supported by two classy cars: Jim Broadbent in front, but also Helen Mirren.
Very enjoyable.

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