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Ennio (2021)

Documentary | 150 minutes
3,78 70 votes

Genre: Documentary / Music

Duration: 150 minuten

Alternative titles: The Glance of Music / Ennio: The Maestro / Ennio Morricone - Maestro van de Filmmuziek

Country: Italy / Belgium / Netherlands / Japan

Directed by: Giuseppe Tornatore

Stars: Ennio Morricone, Giuseppe Tornatore and Carlo Verdone

IMDb score: 8,2 (6.446)

Releasedate: 17 February 2022

Ennio plot

Few composers have made such an impact in their careers as Ennio Morricone. In this documentary, the Italian maestro talks about his many collaborations and the creation of his iconic film music.

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  • 9587 messages
  • 8925 votes

An impressive parade of greats from the worlds of music and film praise Ennio Morricone in this monumental look back at the career of the popular, influential Italian composer, who passed away shortly after it was filmed. There's no mistaking the genuine admiration of those interviewed, and Tornatore amusingly combines the death-hummed Morricone tunes with the original recordings. Morricone's oeuvre turns out to be gigantic, but Tornatore takes enough time to discuss different types of music pieces and also dares to talk about them in theoretical terms. Even if you miss those terms, it remains clear what makes Morricone's work so special. Drags to the end with an abundance of praise, but even if you don't think you care much for film music, this is a first-class music documentary.

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There would have been a good documentary here if three quarters of the talking heads had been cut out and an hour shorter in total.

Difficult to sustain in the cinema, more suitable as a TV series…..

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K. V.

  • 4211 messages
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Watched this documentary and really enjoyed it. The numerous well-known songs, supplemented by commentary, found it highly recommended. The long playing time didn't bother at all either. It's a shame it took so long to get an Oscar. Worth seeing.

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