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Some Guy Who Kills People (2011)

Comedy | 97 minutes
3,02 224 votes

Genre: Comedy / Horror

Duration: 97 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jack Perez

Stars: Kevin Corrigan, Barry Bostwick and Lucy Davis

IMDb score: 6,3 (6.195)

Releasedate: 14 April 2011


Some Guy Who Kills People plot

"Your number is up."

Ken Boyd just got out of an institution. Through a friend he gets a job at an ice cream parlor. But the past continues to haunt him in the form of nightmares about the boys who humiliated and maimed him at school. Those tormentors are now being brutally murdered one by one. The sheriff, who is in a relationship with Ken's mother, is looking for the killer. Meanwhile, Ken has reconnected with his 11-year-old daughter Amy. Ken gets a second chance at life, but the net closes around the mysterious killer.

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avatar van jippie2010


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Interesting film that doesn't shy away from throwing film genres into the mix.

The film starts off slowly, partly because the viewer has to get used to the whole set-up first. I found the role of the sheriff on the annoying side. For me, the film was above all a drama, which was more than sufficiently successful. *3.0

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avatar van james_cameron


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Nice cool comedy thriller, with some dramatic aspects here and there. The acting is fine, visually everything is neatly put together and also in terms of plot this is certainly not wrong. Director Jack Perez, who usually only delivers crap, shows here that he has some talent in house. Produced by John Landis.

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avatar van rep_robert


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What a shocking average... This really should be one of those cheesy movies where the fun factor should be high.

However, I was bored to death. The characters are dull and boringly written, the dialogues are saltless and sometimes take way too long, there is hardly anything happening in the film and the few moments that the kills are there it feels just a bit too crappy. Especially the long-winded nature of the film struck me as disgusting. Sometimes it was almost impossible to get through.

I never enjoyed myself with this movie.


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