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Pokrovskiye Vorota (1982)

Comedy | 140 minutes
2,50 4 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 140 minuten

Alternative titles: Pokrov Gates / The Pokrovskie Gate / The Pokrovsky Gates / Покровские ворота

Country: Soviet Union

Directed by: Mikhail Kozakov

Stars: Oleg Menshikov, Sofiya Pilyavskaya and Leonid Bronevoy

IMDb score: 8,0 (3.133)

Releasedate: 11 February 1983


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Pokrovskiye Vorota plot

In the 50s, the student Konstantin "Kostik" Romin comes to Moscow. He lives with his aunt in a communal apartment. The other residents of the flat are divorced couple Lev and Margarita Khobotov, Margarita's new fiancé Savva and stand-up comedian Arkady Velyurov. Lev tries to start a new relationship, but is hindered by his ex-wife Margarita.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses


Алиса Витальевна

Аркадий Велюров

Маргарита Хоботова

Лев Хоботов

Савва Игнатьевич



Нина Орлович

Глеб Орлович

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