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Ghostbusters (1984)

Comedy | 105 minutes
3,28 2.199 votes

Genre: Comedy / Scifi

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative title: Ghost Busters

Country: United States

Directed by: Ivan Reitman

Stars: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Sigourney Weaver

IMDb score: 7,8 (463.813)

Releasedate: 8 June 1984

Ghostbusters plot

"They're here to save the world."

Three scientists lose their jobs at New York University, where they studied the occult. They decide to hire themselves out as Ghostbusters from now on, and get involved in capturing all kinds of ghosts and spirits. When they discover a portal to another dimension, it's up to the Ghostbusters to save the Big Apple.

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Ghostbusters is undoubtedly a nostalgic look back to the 80s for many people. Since I only saw the light of day in the 90s, I can't comment on this. I especially see a pretty dated film both in terms of humor and especially in terms of visual effects. Fine for that time of course, but in the current era this looks like a movie without a budget. A fascinating practical effect is the road that bursts open in the middle of NY.

I had to laugh a few times, but these days this seems more like a family movie. The movie is full of imaginative elements like Sumerian deities that didn't actually exist. What also strikes me is that Bill Murray always seems exactly 50 years old. Would he have looked like this as a baby? The only difference over the years is his hair color and I've never actually recognized him as funny. Strangely enough, he always seems to show up in those rather absurd comedies.

The introduction is quite long. Once Sigourney Weaver appears on the scene, the true plot unfolds. Ghostbusters also relies heavily on characters. Louis Tully was the funniest thing to me as a "nerd", especially how he manages to lock himself out of his own apartment time and time again. Finally, I almost forgot to mention the well-known theme song. This comes back a few times, but not overdone or disturbing this time either. I can appreciate it, but now I don't have to hear it 100x in one evening. A 2.5*/5.

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knusse stoel

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After all these years, reviewed yesterday and this was not what I expected. If you look at the developments in the field of film, this film is far behind with its trickery. Sometimes you can clearly see that double editing has been used, but the story is smooth and easy to follow.

I can still remember that the film made quite an impression at the time, there was a hit in the top 40 with the song "Ghostbusters", a lot of merchandise that sold well (t-shirts and jackets) and 3 films, one of which in 2016 was a remake. Next year no.4 will be released: Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021)

Alternative title: Ghostbusters: Legacy, Ghostbusters: Afterlife (2021).

In cinemas from June 10, 2021.

We give films that we would like to see again at least a 7,

We rate films that we don't want to see again, but still contain a reasonable story and film montage/actor's game with a maximum of 6.5.

Movies we didn't like are below 5 in our rating.

Despite our criticism, we liked the movie "Ghostbusters" so much that a 7 can be given as a rating!

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Charming, funny movie. Ghostbusters has a nice eighties atmosphere, a nice cast and especially successful humor. This is not least because of Bill Murray, who can be called quite hilarious here with his dry face and deadpan humor. But also next to him are nice finds and jokes incorporated, not all equally child-friendly. In the eighties you got away with that perfectly, in 2021 that would no longer be the case. The Ghostbusters have a nice dynamic in any case, but the characters of Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis also add successful ingredients to the film. Cast, humor and entertainment give the film quite a bit of credit, because in other areas it doesn't amount to much. The effects of the ghosts are lousy, and especially towards the end the story gets very ridiculous. Of course it remains a children's film in the first place, so there is nothing wrong with that per se, but I thought the rest of the film had a nicer balance between child and adult oriented humor.

But in any case, this original Ghostbusters is a lot more entertaining than I suspected, and just plain fun. The main tune is also iconic and catchy, of course, especially when used in the film itself. 3.5*.

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