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Daddy Day Care (2003)

Comedy | 92 minutes
2,59 997 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: Oppas Pappa's

Country: United States

Directed by: Steve Carr

Stars: Eddie Murphy, Steve Zahn and Jeff Garlin

IMDb score: 5,6 (75.710)

Releasedate: 9 May 2003

Daddy Day Care plot

"Who's your daddy?"

When Charlie and his best friend Phil lose their jobs in a major corporate reorganization, both men have no choice but to remove their sons from the prestigious Chapman Academy. Without concrete prospects on the labor market, the two fathers decide to take care of the education of their toddlers. In fact, they feel compelled to set up their own nursery, the 'Daddy Day Care'.

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  • 90 messages
  • 95 votes

Eddie Murphy is a nice actor. Maybe that's why I liked the movie. Story is a bit thin, but for a light comedy more is not necessary.

And Murphy's 'son', what a doll. You melt away from that.

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Sergio Leone

  • 4224 messages
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Pretty tame feel-good film in which a fairly restrained Eddie Murphy may be sympathetic. The running time is not too long and with Steve Zahn, among others, there is, besides Murphy, also other (comic) talent around so that the film remains fairly balanced. Unfortunately, that doesn't make it interesting or good per se.


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