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Bubble Boy (2001)

Comedy | 84 minutes
2,60 312 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 84 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Blair Hayes

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Swoosie Kurtz and Marley Shelton

IMDb score: 5,7 (36.020)

Releasedate: 24 August 2001

Bubble Boy plot

"Life is an adventure. Don't blow it."

Though he's been locked in a protective plastic balloon all his life, under the ever-watchful eye of his over-protective mother, Jimmy never felt like he was missing out on anything. Until his girl next door runs off to get married at Niagara Falls! With the wedding set to take place within days, Jimmy has no choice but to make a mobile plastic balloon. In it, he will travel across the country to stop the wedding and declare his love for her!

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avatar van John Lee Hooker

John Lee Hooker

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Quite fun. As Elineloves indicates, many clichés and stereotypes are crammed in and some sweetness cannot be ruled out. The moment that Jimmy opens the doors of the church to cancel the wedding and that Chloe would ultimately choose Jimmy, you could have seen that moment coming from miles away. I thought it was a bit odd that Chloe's friend didn't take any action at all when his girlfriend left him, but on the other hand, they shouldn't try to make a big deal out of it while it's the vast majority of the playing time consists of chance encounters and improbabilities. The casting of the bikers, the freaks and the school bus sect is pretty bad because almost everyone behaves the same and the whole thing remains a bit superficial. For example when that Indian sits by the road to forgive Shiva that a cow has died and the entire motorcycle club then gathers around him. That just doesn't make sense, they should have made a shot that everyone is still on their motorcycle and that only Slender steps up to that man to see what's going on. Also the reactions of the bikers when that truck ran over their bikes was quite weak and I even saw one of those figures laughing when they should be furious in that situation. Not much attention has been paid to this and these groups therefore mainly serve as filler material. The soundtrack remains remarkably simple, you hear 'Burn baby burn' when a house is on fire and 'Can't touch this' when Jimmy's mother puts her hand on the balloon.
Still, despite all this simplicity, it was reasonably acceptable and that is mainly due to the original concept with an excellent role of Gyllenhaal, who secretly leaves for Las Vegas like a snot for a bizarre adventure, despite a rare immune disease.

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avatar van Theunissen


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Actually still a reasonable comedy, the story is quite funny and how Jimmy ends up in one or the other situation is done quite nicely. Of course it's all a bit cliché and bland, but it doesn't really annoy me. The cast did a decent job but it was the many supporting characters that were the most fun such as Danny Trejo, Verne Troyer and Brian George. Marley Shelton I thought was quite a beautiful appearance. I thought she looked more like Heather Graham than Gwyneth Paltrow, as Elineloves pointed out in an earlier post.

By the way, the Asian who was yelling "500 dollars" the whole time was hilarious.

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avatar van Leland Palmer

Leland Palmer

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Same year as 'Donnie Darko' this movie, for Gyllenhaal. Nice different for a while. Well, I really expected this to be a really stupid movie, but... not so. I had to get into it a bit, but soon I was 1 with the tone of the film. Jimmy has great adventures and I was able to laugh pretty much the entire movie. All the side characters are fun too, from 500 dollahh, to Trejo. This is a surprisingly fun movie!

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