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Proof (2005)

Drama | 99 minutes
3,02 525 votes

Genre: Drama / Mystery

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: John Madden

Stars: Gwyneth Paltrow, Jake Gyllenhaal and Anthony Hopkins

IMDb score: 6,7 (46.801)

Releasedate: 5 September 2005

Proof plot

"The biggest risk in life is not taking one."

Catherine (Gwyneth Paltrow), 25-year-old mentally unstable, has just buried her father Robert (Anthony Hopkins), a brilliant mathematician. The last years of his life, Robert was very confused, and Catherine has effaced herself to take care of her father. Her well-meaning but pushy sister (Hope Davis) wants Catherine to move in with her so that Catherine can get her life back under her guidance. However, Catherine needs the support of Hal (Jake Gyllenhaal), one of her students. When Hal discovers a brilliant math thesis in Robert's papers, Catherine claims she wrote it.

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Catherine Llewellyn

Robert Llewellyn

Harold 'Hal' Dobbs

Claire Llewellyn

Professor Barrow

Friend at Party

Theoretical Physicist

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avatar van Decec


  • 6679 messages
  • 8432 votes

A good drama/mystery movie...

Great story...

Great acting..

Reasonable quality widescreen, no HD available...

Reasonable background sound/music, no Dolby Digital present..

Famous actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Anthony Hopkins...

Restless camera movement...

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Mathematics has a reputation for being dull and numb, but practitioners can become engrossed in proof like a work of art, at the risk of becoming unworldly. The word proof is used in two ways: on the one hand the mathematical proof, on the other hand the proof of handwriting. The academic mentality is realistically represented. You don't have to be a mathematician to follow. The explanation about the number 1729 is easy to calculate. The heavier theory is only briefly discussed. It would have been inspired by Riemann's hypothesis.

David Auburn's play has only four characters. John Madden and screenwriter Rebecca Miller kept the dialogue central, but opened it up by adding some side characters and some busier locations. The flashbacks with Anthony Hopkins have a grayer tint. Gwyneth Paltrow, who played the same role in the London production, portrays a talented but vulnerable character who suffers from the patronizing attitude of her surroundings and self-doubt. Jake Gyllenhaal may look too good to some, but a mathematician doesn't have to be ugly.

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Bought at a thrift store for a small price. I don't think it's great, but it's not bad either. It's just a movie that I think is okay. The story managed to captivate me, the acting is good, but I don't think the execution is special. It made little impression on me. Catherine (Gwyneth Paltrow) is an interesting character to me. That also made the film more interesting to watch. A 6. 3*

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