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The Man Who Invented Christmas (2017)

Biography | 104 minutes
3,34 97 votes

Genre: Biography / Drama

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: Ireland / Canada

Directed by: Bharat Nalluri

Stars: Dan Stevens, Christopher Plummer and Jonathan Pryce

IMDb score: 7,0 (20.548)

Releasedate: 12 October 2017

The Man Who Invented Christmas plot

"How Charles Dickens wrote “A Christmas Carol” and created a tradition."

October, 1843. A horrified Charles Dickens has a hard time and despite his early success his three last books ended in failure. Moreover, his publishers reject him. He then decides to write a new book and publish it himself. In six weeks, Dickens creates the story of 'A Christmas Carol', a masterpiece that turned the holy day into the cozy family celebration as we know it today.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Charles Dickens

Mr. John Dickens

John Forster / Ghost of Christmas Present

Kate Dickens

Haddock / Ghost of Marley


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The basic idea of this film in the genre “the making of …” is very nice in itself. The same can be said about the design and acting. My main criticism is that for my taste the film focuses too much on the brooding Charles Dickens and has too little to do with Christmas or the Christmas spirit in terms of content. That's mainly because the links to the original (sublime) Scrooge story are too fleeting in my opinion. I do regret that.

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avatar van De filosoof

De filosoof

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The film tells the process of creating Dickens A Christmas Carol, which book has changed the way we celebrate Christmas, on the one hand retelling the famous story through Dickens' imagination - we learn that with a suitable name, the fictional character automatically becomes life comes into Dickens mind - and on the other hand the story of Dickens himself is mirrored to it: just as Scrooge effaces fellow man for money, Dickens would efface fellow man in order to bring about this book in which, of course, both the fictional and the real figure repent(with the theme that anyone can change). This somewhat contrived parallel adds fictitious elements to the creative process and the film also contains few original elements, but the film looks nice and as such is great to do on a bored Christmas day.

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Mickey b

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I think it's a very atmospheric Christmas movie. Separate and original. Tells the story of Charles Dickens and the origin of his famous book 'A Christmas Carol'. But at the same time, the story of his book about his character Scrooge is woven into the life of Charles Dickens himself. Very ingeniously performed and without the technique of a fourth wall or without a voice over. So cinematographically very well thought out and therefore deserves a 4.5 stars from me. Script really fascinated me. The London of 1840 is also graphically depicted very beautifully and realistically. Carriages, foggy, clothes, top hats, smoky men's clubs, candle lights, dusty libraries and study rooms, ie. as I said in my opening sentence, very atmospheric. Although I know the story 'A Christmas Carol', I have never read the book itself. Since we are now Christmas period, I will look it up in the library. Pleasantly surprised.

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