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Cutthroat Island (1995)

Adventure | 124 minutes
2,64 540 votes

Genre: Adventure / Action

Duration: 124 minuten

Country: France / Italy / Germany / United States

Directed by: Renny Harlin

Stars: Geena Davis, Matthew Modine and Frank Langella

IMDb score: 5,7 (31.621)

Releasedate: 22 December 1995

Cutthroat Island plot

"The Course Has Been Set. There Is No Turning Back. Prepare Your Weapons. Summon Your Courage. Discover the Adventure of a Lifetime!"

Jamaica, 1668. Morgan Adams' father was an illustrious pirate. On his deathbed she received half of a map from him, which contains the coordinates where a treasure is buried. But Morgan also has another goal: she wants to avenge the death of her father, who was killed by his brother Dawg Brown. To begin both missions, she tries to persuade the crew of her father's boat to sail with her to Cutthroat Island, where the treasure is buried...

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  • 21233 messages
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Comparisons with Pirates of the Caribbean seem inevitable. I'm not a fan of pirate films, but because of the sometimes silly humor I like this one and Pirates. Maybe Pirates will get the upper hand because of the fantasy content and the great Jack Sparrow, female pirate Geena Davis is 100 times better than Keira Kneightley and Orlando Bloom would also be in her shadow. Nice video if you don't want to think too much and want to relax. If you like Geena Davis like I do, you'll be fine.

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Worst movie in months this is. Anyway, you ruin everything for me right away by giving a woman the lead role in a pirate movie... No idea why, it's the most worthless pirate ever. If there is a need for a woman in a man's film, then preferably in the role of Keira Knightley, as the daughter of a big name, nice in the background. In addition, you ruin it even worse by delivering acting performances that don't even rise above GTST. Sword fights were horribly bad, with Geena Davis leading the way. The whole atmosphere on board makes no sense. It has nothing to do with pirates. And that's a shame, because the ships are beautiful, locations beautiful. The cannon fire is well captured. There was talk of a good villain. But then you still manage to ruin it with choices for actors, acting performances, bad jokes and a crappy atmosphere. That's pretty cool.


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Good film in which a pirate's daughter goes in search of a hidden treasure. A simple plot, but the film is entertaining from start to finish. Good and spectacular action scenes that are also well portrayed. A good dose of humor and beautiful locations. Geena Davis is well cast and knows how to bring it fun. Matthew Modine is less well cast, but knows how to make the best of it.

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