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The Lady in Red (1979)

Action | 93 minutes
2,12 25 votes

Genre: Action

Duration: 93 minuten

Alternative titles: Guns, Sin and Bathtub Gin / Touch Me and Die / Rood voor een Boef

Country: United States

Directed by: Lewis Teague

Stars: Pamela Sue Martin, Robert Conrad and Louise Fletcher

IMDb score: 6,3 (1.515)

Releasedate: 1 July 1979


The Lady in Red plot

"She's made of bullets, sin & bathtub gin!"

As a young girl, Polly decides to exchange country life for the "glamor" of the big city. She ends up in prison and subsequently in the world of prostitution, crime and violence. Due to the betrayal of her friend Anna, who serves as an informant for a crime organization, her lover John Dillenger is murdered, and Polly is pursued by the same organization. She decides to choose the path of crime herself and robs a bank with the help of her friends.

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