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Red Tails (2012)

Action | 125 minutes
2,88 252 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 125 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Anthony Hemingway

Stars: Cuba Gooding Jr., Terrence Howard and Bryan Cranston

IMDb score: 5,9 (37.759)

Releasedate: 19 January 2012

Red Tails plot

"High-Octane Action and Daring Dogfights!"

Red Tails tells the true and gripping story of the Tusekegee Airplane Pilots, the first African-American pilots allowed to fly in a flying combat unit during World War II. Besides the enemy, they also have to fight against the many prejudices within their own army.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Colonel William Mortamus

Joe 'Lightning' Little

Major Emanuelle Stance

Col. A.J. Bullard

Antwan 'Coffee' Coleman

Colonel Jack Tomlinson

Lt. David Long

Maurice Wilson

All Media

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  • 19 messages
  • 112 votes

This movie has been haunting me for a while now.

I even signed up with moviemeter to drill this film into the ground,

Just watched the film, luckily only on youtube and thankfully didn't have to pay a euro, except for a few views for the uploader.

Film gave me a particularly high irritation factor,

movie is about the red-tails pilots flying with realism at 5% in a combat simulator, and then the whole movie that negro macho bullshit from oww hey look at us perform, gain respect, and have a lot of fun.

We're going to kill the evil evil Germans, it won't do us any good. with the necessary fun and we immediately turn it into a nice party.

Film is a disgrace to the real pilots and the intelligence of the viewer.

Action movie about ww2 okay but don't do it about a true setting.

Maybe even nice if you want to watch flashy shooting ww2 planes, with a mediocre story and the standard stereo type of people.

score 0.5

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knusse stoel

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Indeed, a nice film with a nice story, beautiful images and good action to the point of crazy, so to speak.

I don't agree with JW182 who claims that it looks like the pilots are flying in a 'combat simulator' and have to see 'macho bullshit' as niggers throughout the movie. Personally not bothered at all, maybe he should buy a bigger image as far as the simulator is concerned. That is not reflected in it. And real pilots must be so intelligent that they can distinguish film from reality!

In any case, I had a great time with this film and that is usually the intention of action films. For depth, I occasionally watch docu/drama/history and true events.

(so not based on 'truth' because that too is often outside the truth and lacks depth due to commercial aspects)

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A good action/adventure/drama/history/war movie...

A true story...

Great story...

Great acting...

Famous Actors Terrence Howard and Cuba Gooding Jr.en

Gerald McRaney...

Occasional restless camera movement...

Great background sound/music

(Dolby Digital)...

Nice HD quality widescreen...

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