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Crossing Over (2009)

Drama | 113 minutes
3,41 723 votes

Genre: Drama / Crime

Duration: 113 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Wayne Kramer

Stars: Harrison Ford, Ray Liotta and Ashley Judd

IMDb score: 6,7 (24.734)

Releasedate: 10 February 2009

Crossing Over plot

"Every day thousands of people illegally cross our borders... only one thing stands in their way. America."

Max Brogan (Harrison Ford), a L.A. Immigration Officer, deals with the regulations with mixed feelings towards the thousands of immigrants who pass him. Through his eyes, as well as those of his colleague Hamid Baraheri, immigration consultant Denise (Ashley Judd), and her judging panel husband Cole (Ray Liotta), countless people of different nationalities attempt to cross the LA border. in the hope of finding a better life there. The stories of these people make it painfully clear the difference between the American Dream and the harsh reality faced by many immigrants in 21st century LA.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Cole Frankel

Claire Shepard

Denise Frankel

Gavin Kossef

Hamid Baraheri

Mireya Sanchez

Taslima Jahangir

Special Agent Phadkar

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Rather overdone. It's nice if Hollywood pays attention to the drama behind the illegality, but unfortunately these kinds of dramas in this film are only exploited commercially.

The film attempts to provide a harsh and realistic-looking vision of the problems illegal immigrants face in the United States. In this film, however, that so-called reality consists only of American patriotism and a lot of clichés, which are shown in their most extreme version.

In order to address all those clichés, the film uses various stories that are alternated and ultimately form the entire film. They are stories of "heroes" and "bad guys", without any room for the real reality, which lies in the middle.

The film gives the idea that this is the reality, which puts us on the wrong track. It makes us think that all those extreme clichés are the norm, not the exception.

The unconvincing scenes pile up, with the tip of the iceberg being the scene in which Ford lets go of a 'boy' who took part in a robbery that killed dozens of people. Not very believable, like the rest of the movie.

If you don't mind the clichés, the film is otherwise entertaining, although switching from one story to the other can be exhausting at times.

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Collection of stories about illegal immigrants with many large shots of teeming roads. Like on the poster. It will have something to do with the paths that cross and the journeys these people take. Not a subtle film, far from it, Kramer actually focuses everything on the problem. Crash, Haggis's, came to mind for that matter.

The problem with these types of mosaics is that the individual lines sometimes don't get enough fuel to really represent something. That is no different here. The fact that half an hour was cut out shortly before release, will not have done any good either. The central theme keeps things together, but making a fist is not an option this way, or at least less so.

Well a point. The woolly idea of the American Dream is a long way off here and Kramer's attitude towards his subject is questionable, sometimes even cynical. Lots of misery alternating with lots of flags and when the national anthem is started, it has a bitter aftertaste. The worthiness of the journey. Yes Yes. He goes a little too far during the robbery, but okay.

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Mike 1984

  • 53 messages
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Liotta, Curtis and Ford portray their characters believable. Nevertheless, I don't really find a story in the film. The different storylines are well put together but after watching the film I still had the feeling that I did not know what the film was about. 2.5 stars for the acting performance, but that's about it.

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