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Kyôryuu: Kaichô no Densetsu (1977)

Action | 92 minutes
1,83 6 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative titles: Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds / The Legend of the Dinosaurs / 恐竜・怪鳥の伝説

Country: Japan

Directed by: Junji Kurata

Stars: Tsunehiko Watase and Nobiko Sawa

IMDb score: 4,2 (826)

Releasedate: 29 April 1977


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Kyôryuu: Kaichô no Densetsu plot

"From appetizer to dessert - One town becomes a monster meal."

A geologist and photographer search for dinosaur remains around Lake Sai at the foot of Mount Fuji. According to legends, dinosaurs are still alive and finding evidence could earn them eternal fame. Meanwhile, in a subterranean cavern, they find a large stone egg, from which a prehistoric bird hatches. Then the Plesiosaurus also awakens. The investigators must fight to the death if the two monsters are after each other.

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