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Carry-On (2024)

Action | 119 minutes
3,08 526 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 119 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jaume Collet-Serra

Stars: Taron Egerton, Sofia Carson and Jason Bateman

IMDb score: 6,5 (141.368)

Releasedate: 5 December 2024


Carry-On plot

"Every holiday season, millions travel safely by air. This Christmas will be different."

Young Ethan Kopek works for the Transportation Security Administration and oversees the safety of the traveling public on a daily basis. During Christmas he is blackmailed by a mysterious traveler. The latter tries to let a dangerous package pass through security so that it can be taken on a packed flight. Ethan will have to do his best to outsmart him.

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avatar van scorsese


  • 12421 messages
  • 10569 votes

Disappointing film about a couple who both work at an airport. A standard structure and it gradually becomes less credible (which also makes it less exciting). The characters are not captivating and it is somewhat repetitive here and there. A good setting (security at an airport). Just under 2.5 stars.

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avatar van JessicaD


  • 470 messages
  • 539 votes

The story itself is good and exciting, but I found the film a bit slow. If the pace had been a bit higher and maybe had a bit more action, I would have rated the film higher.

The scene in the car with the officer was filmed very badly... Just like a video game.

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lang pee

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Unrealistic? Sure, but in this case I had no problem with it. Just a nice movie for a bad day, like there are more coming now. The acting was more than decent, I've seen much worse on Netflix.

Here someone writes lgbt nonsense for teenagers. Maybe Christmas is celebrated a bit too early, because what nonsense, man....

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  • 443 messages
  • 381 votes

An action thriller that never exceeds mediocrity. Like many a genre companion of this caliber, Carry-On starts with some implausible things, only to eventually degenerate into complete nonsense. And while the nonsense level increases, the clichés follow each other in rapid succession.

It was nice to see Bateman as an icy bastard again. And besides some nicely thought-out tricks by airport employee Ethan Kopek, the pace was also reasonable. Therefore just a pass.

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