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Heretic (2024)

Horror | 110 minutes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Scott Beck and Bryan Woods

Stars: Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher and Chloe East

IMDb score: 7,0 (84.637)

Releasedate: 31 October 2024

Heretic plot

"Question everything."

Two female missionaries go door to door in the hope of converting people to their religion. Behind one of such doors lives a strange and dangerous man. The missionary sisters are welcomed into his home, but become entangled in a game of cat and mouse.

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avatar van Patrick1980


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Just back from the Pathe Unlimited premiere of this movie and I was really looking forward to it. Maybe I was looking forward to it a bit too much because oh boy was this disappointing Hugh Grant in the lead role of a horror seemed like something for me, in principle he came across well in the trailer as a psychopathic murderer but he was not really convincing in the movie. It came across as very artificial with certain funny traits but in my opinion he did not hold up in this role unfortunately. The movie starts off very slowly and the entire script of all 3 main characters is really only about 1 subject, faith. And that became really boring at some point.. the first 45 minutes really nothing happens which makes you sit up straighter in your chair and if the acting performances are not convincing then there is very little left except for a few nice scenes. The movie never really gets exciting and the idea of the house with secret rooms and corridors does not come into its own in the movie, far too little has been done with it. Unfortunately, this film is way too long-winded and the tension was nowhere to be found. The hall was completely full but afterwards you noticed and saw a lot of disappointment among many people. My advice, watch it on TV when you really have nothing else to watch.. ⭐⭐

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I'm also just back, and while I'm a bit more positive than Patrick above, I did have higher expectations. I was definitely curious about Hugh Grant in a horror role instead of his standard romcoms, and that was actually one of the more positive aspects of the film. The religious-philosophical aspect was also decent, but didn't really go all that deep - that religions borrow from each other and iterate on each other, that Joseph Smith wanted to cover his own adventures with polygamy, and that religion is used as a means of control, good points but not very new or unexpected. Anyway, onto the film.

I won't reveal too much about the exact plot, but the Mormon ladies visit people to convert them. This also applies to the initially cheerful Mr. Reed, who turns out to enjoy a religious discussion. But given the genre, you'd probably like to believe that Mr. Reed is not just a somewhat nervous, nerdy joker with religious interests, but that he takes the Paxton and Barnes sisters further and further away from home. Grant is still amusing with occasional funny quips, but especially the first hour is really very slow. It is A24 avant la lettre but perhaps even slower, so be prepared for that. After that, more certainly happens and there are also some twists, but it remains slow and many aspects of the plot are, in my opinion, somewhat artificial and unbelievable. Still reasonably entertaining, it is also visually well-maintained and there are enough elements that captivated me. But still, I had hoped for more.

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Expect a psychological thriller when you enter this film. Heretic is mainly about the mind game between Hugh Grant and the two ladies who can surprisingly well provide a counterbalance in important questions about religion. You constantly wonder which way the film is going and what Grant has in store for the ladies. The film is mainly about this balance and the dialogues between the three.
Don't expect gore horror or anything like that, but a balanced film with Grant in top form as a creep.
I think the ending is meant to be ambiguous, I think she's actually already dead. But you can also just interpret it as her surviving

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Mormon sisters Barnes [Sophie Thatcher] and Paxton [Chloe East] visit the home of Mr. Reed [Hugh Grant] to convert him to their faith. Against their better judgment, they allow themselves to be persuaded to enter. The opening is reminiscent of The Human Centipede, but unfortunately this is mainly a philosophical discussion about the sense and nonsense of religion with some pointless directorial tricks that are supposed to make us believe it's all very exciting. For a long time, there is in fact no threat from the badly cast Hugh Grant and when the inevitable cycle of violence finally begins, it feels more like an anticlimax. A strange thriller and that is unfortunately not a recommendation.

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