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Ad Vitam (2025)

Action | 95 minutes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: France / Belgium

Directed by: Rodolphe Lauga

Stars: Guillaume Canet, Nassim Lyes and Stéphane Caillard

IMDb score: 6,0 (3.167)

Releasedate: 10 January 2025


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Ad Vitam plot

Franck Lazareff survives an assassination attempt after which he manages to flee. He goes in search of his wife Leo, who was kidnapped by mysterious armed men. Franck appears to be haunted by his past and is now part of a state affair.

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avatar van Gerlof78


  • 644 messages
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I agree with Teigertje again, good film indeed with a nice build-up. Another one of the better Netflix films

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avatar van 80&90’s Nostalgia

80&90’s Nostalgia

  • 152 messages
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Just seen on Netflix, reasonable action thriller. The story is simple and we have seen it before. We follow Franck Lazareff (Canet) who has evidence in his hands that is damaging to a high-ranking state tycoon. A group of mercenaries, led by Vanaken (Heldenbergh) kidnap his heavily pregnant wife Leo (Caillard), who incidentally gave a few karate kicks, even though she was 40 weeks pregnant... a bit unbelievable but oh well.

That training and team building of GIGN: Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale, or in the popular name Gendarmerie, was cool to see. Their tasks are counter-terrorism, rescuing hostages, monitoring national threats and protecting government officials. A bit of emotion of a fallen comrade, which was a nice scene and plus points for the finale!

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avatar van Luudje10


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Again a mediocre Netflix movie that was very predictable. The climbing qualities were very good of Franck. Watched, but not a masterpiece.

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