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Chris Evans would 'NEVER SAY NEVER' to a Captain America return for Marvel
Photo: © ANP

Chris Evans would 'NEVER SAY NEVER' to a Captain America return for Marvel

Chris Evans would 'NEVER SAY NEVER' to a Captain America return for Marvel
Photo: © ANP

Chris Evans is open to the idea of one day returning as Captain America for Marvel - but not anytime soon.

The actor won the role of Steve Rogers for Captain America: The First Avenger and would go on to appear in no less than 11 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with the Infinity Saga culminating with Avengers: Endgame.

At the conclusion of Endgame, Rogers goes back in time to be with his love Peggy Carter and hands over his Cap shield to Sam Wilson.

Anthony Mackie's Wilson is the new Captain America in the upcoming Captain America: Brave New World.

READ MORE: Five actors almost cast as Captain America before Chris Evans


The role is no longer Evans', but that doesn't mean he is ruling out a comeback in the future.

“I’ll never say never, just because it was such a wonderful experience,” Evans told GQ.

“But I’m also very precious with it. It’s something that I am very proud of. And like I said, sometimes I can’t believe it even happened. And I wouldn’t want the black eye if it felt like a cash grab or if it didn’t live up to expectations or if it just felt like it wasn’t connected to that original thing. So, no time soon.”

Evans turned down Captain America numerous times

When casting for Captain America: The First Avenger got underway, Evans was asked to audition by Marvel and he said no several times. At that point in his career, Evans had already appeared in a Marvel product, Fantastic Four and its sequel, both of which didn't receive positive reviews.

It was around that time that the actor's anxiety became a major problem with regard to his career.

“It was the first time I started having mini panic attacks on set,” he told The Hollywood Reporter about his time on the movie Puncture.

“I really started to think, ‘I’m not sure if this is the right thing for me, I’m not sure if I’m feeling as healthy as I should be feeling.'"

Evans was uneasy about taking on the role of Captain America as at the time of the first movie, he was being asked to commit to a 10-picture deal within the MCU, which would thrust him into a new stratosphere of fame, which he wasn't prepared for.

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