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Total Recall (1990)

Action | 113 minutes
3,50 2.348 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 113 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Paul Verhoeven

Stars: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rachel Ticotin and Ronny Cox

IMDb score: 7,5 (363.600)

Releasedate: 1 June 1990

Total Recall plot

"They stole his mind, now he wants it back."

Douglas Quaid can't afford his dream of a trip to Mars. He decides to have a virtual vacation implanted in his brain instead. However, this goes wrong: Quaid remembers that he is a secret agent. He travels to Mars to help the rebels there. Or are all the things he experiences part of his implanted vacation?

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Wonderful entertainment. Total Recall is characterized by tremendous speed, incredibly entertaining yet brutal action scenes, beautiful sets and effects, and simply a lot of weirdness and inventiveness. There are so many great moments from start to finish, and the story is steered in new directions every so often that you don't have a second to get bored. Mars looks fantastic, with all that red color. The make-up effects, especially of the mutated people, have also withstood the test of the time very well. The film shows its age, of course, but there is soul in it, and something like that doesn't disappear with time. It also all contributes to a nice campy atmosphere at times. Schwarzenegger sometimes acts a bit wrong, but in general he is good in his role. And that man has never lacked charisma. The rest of the cast is nice too; a sultry Sharon Stone and an easily hateful Michael Ironside in the lead.

Social criticism (of the capitalist attitude, among others) is never far away, and identity problems are also interestingly incorporated. Which is not to say that this goes very deep, but it is still a layer in the story that gives the film that little bit extra. It's especially good that the two statements; is this all really happening, or is it the holiday implemented, both are plausible. I opt for the latter, the very over the top ending also seems to fit better, but the former is also possible. In any case, Total Recall is two hours of top notch entertainment and Verhoeven knows exactly what he wants, which leads to a very focused film. 4.5*.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger, lots of action, nice effects, strong story and Sharon Stone do I need to tell you more about this, nope

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