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Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Drama | 105 minutes
3,68 3.137 votes

Genre: Drama / Fantasy

Duration: 105 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tim Burton

Stars: Johnny Depp, Winona Ryder and Dianne Wiest

IMDb score: 7,9 (540.945)

Releasedate: 7 December 1990

Edward Scissorhands plot

"Innocence is what he knows. Beauty is what she sees."

Edward was created by an inventor, who died before he could finish his job. This gives Edward scissors where his hands should be. When a woman rings the doorbell at his large mansion and finds him there, she takes him to her house to live with her family. He soon manages to adapt to his unusual environment.

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avatar van Melksnor


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Depp in absolute top form!

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avatar van Chainsaw


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In the search for a suitable Christmas film, I suddenly realized that Edward Scissorhands could also fall into that category. Despite the fact that the film only takes place during the Christmas season, because for a large part it is even summer in the film. But the atmosphere is there. In any case, that is one of the highlights of Edward Scissorhands; the atmosphere. Danny Elfman delivers one of his most memorable pieces of music and Tim Burton is at his best here too. The art direction in particular is perfect; while the main character Edward and his house is thoroughly gothic, the town is the opposite; all the houses, cars and outfits are brightly colored and the same goes for the characters themselves. Burton goes all out for a big contrast; the black and white and often silent Edward against those chatty ladies of all colors of the rainbow.

Apart from the fantastic audiovisual aspect, Edward Scissorhands is simply a beautiful film. The script is not particularly special and the humor is even fairly predictable. It's just as nice to see Edward moving around like a fish out of water in the village, but really not much happens. Edward is accepted and proves good at trimming hedges and cutting dogs and ladies. But of course something goes wrong. Depp - who years later became mainly known for his over the top nonsense - plays remarkably modest here and has to play a lot with pure mimicry; a mimic that he also has to keep subtle. He's doing well. The other cast (Alan Arkin, Kathy Baker) are also doing well. And although Winona Ryder is often cited as the second leading role after Depp, the show is stolen by a very sympathetic Dianne Wiest. But nothing is as nice as Vincent Price's unfortunately short, but ideal final film role.

4 stars.

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avatar van Brabants


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Edward Scissorhands is a colorful story of a grotesque figure who wakes a rather standard neighborhood out of hibernation. It gives nice scenes with various characters that all have their own story. Not much else special. Just crazy and weirdly fun.

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