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Reality Bites (1994)

Drama | 99 minutes
3,08 258 votes

Genre: Drama / Comedy

Duration: 99 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ben Stiller

Stars: Winona Ryder, Ethan Hawke and Ben Stiller

IMDb score: 6,6 (55.256)

Releasedate: 18 February 1994

Reality Bites plot

"A comedy about love in the '90s"

Lelaine films her friends with a camera to make a documentary about life after their studies. Troy, a mostly unemployed musician, is her best friend. When Lelaina meets Michael, a producer who sells her videos to an MTV-style station, she must choose what she wants: the materialism of the yuppie Michael or the philosophical ideals of Troy.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Lelaina Pierce

Sammy Gray

Michael Grates

Charlane McGregor

Wes McGregor

Helen Anne Pierce

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avatar van gotti


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Pretty nice. Just a little too simple sometimes...

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A fourth message after this one has been on TV

A successful film as far as I'm concerned. Winona Ryder is very attractive and charming, I've always been a small fan of Ethan Hawke anyway (and I liked this role as (quasi-?) intellectual philosopher/artist), and Ben Stiller isn't annoying for once. Of course it's all pretty standard (at least nowadays), but it kept me interested.

A true 3.5* movie.

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Not good.

In itself nothing more than the umpteenth romcom, only the central duo here is almost insufferable. I don't know what else it is, but as a child of the 90s I couldn't do anything with this (r?). A lot of affective whine from a group of posers, I often couldn't make more of it.

Stiller's role is ultimately the best, Zahn is just a footnote and actually represents more of a theme (homosexuality) than a real character. Just the same for that shady girlfriend of Ryder's.

Ryder and especially Hawke are all over the place, but the ending is inevitable and the way everything is suddenly resolved betrays the true nature of this film.

Nah, not my thing. It was funny every now and then and there is enough going on that the film doesn't really come to a halt, but that whole whiny 90s generation thing could be stolen from me.


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