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Space Cowboys (2000)

Adventure | 130 minutes
2,91 904 votes

Genre: Adventure / Scifi

Duration: 130 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Clint Eastwood

Stars: Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland

IMDb score: 6,5 (88.229)

Releasedate: 4 August 2000

Space Cowboys plot

"Space will never be the same."

A Russian satellite is in trouble, and is in danger of crashing into Earth. A crew of old men must save it, as they are the only ones who understand the outdated technology.

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Very unrealistic of course, but who cares! Those old farts certainly all do it with a certain charm. Very entertaining Eastwood and TL Jones who still have a bone to pick. Sutherland as a womanizer also very nice.

A very entertaining film with the necessary humor, action and suspense. Nothing wrong with that. Not top-notch, of course, but great fun. Have the impression that the men have been able to let off steam, especially TLJ no longer seen as crazy and exuberant as in Under Siege.

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An enjoyable film with an excellent cast, but often unbelievable and sometimes predictable. For example, it is difficult for me to imagine that the Americans did not know exactly what the runaway Russian satellite had on board or that the Russian would keep it quiet for so long if he knew what the possible consequences were. Nice images and the cast was clearly looking forward to it. Narrowly 4 stars.

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The fantastic type of the taciturn cool avenger has finally come to an end in this film. In Tightrope, Eastwood already went a long way in illuminating the shadows of his archetype. In Unforgiven there was almost nothing left of the archetype. On the foundations of the extinct taciturn avenger, Space Cowboys creates an ironic modification of the lonely avenger into a portrait of a tireless warrior who, as a man of age, wants to continue to have a say.

Eastwood has already shown in previous films that he is quite capable of making fun of his age and the discomfort that comes with it. In Space Cowboys, he gathers around him a group of retirees who must complete a rescue mission in space. The group forms a stark contrast to the fast-paced world full of young talent that inhabits modern-day NASA. With bad eyesight, badly fitting dentures, flabby muscles and a miserable condition, Eastwood, James Garner, Donald Sutherland and Tommy Lee Jones make up a ridiculous bunch of astronauts in training. It all makes no sense, but the four actors do a fantastic job. They quickly aroused my sympathy and quickly made me forget the laughable and unrealistic part of the situation.

At a moderate pace, the preparations for the flight, interspersed with some intrigue, pass before the eye. And that's not annoying at all. The simmering pace just feels nice. The rescue mission is then a different story. The pace picks up and Eastwood picks up his well-known inaccessible hero role again. And so Space Cowboys in its spatial setting ultimately becomes an ode to idiosyncrasy, to dreams, to heroism and of course to (male) friendship. With four sympathetic protagonists and a story that is continuously provided with an ironic undertone, this mainly provides pleasant entertainment.

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