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The General's Daughter (1999)

Thriller | 116 minutes
3,11 913 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Simon West

Stars: John Travolta, Madeleine Stowe and James Cromwell

IMDb score: 6,4 (65.236)

Releasedate: 18 June 1999

The General's Daughter plot

"Go behind the lies."

The naked body of Captain Elisabeth Campbell, daughter of General Campbell, is found dead. Army detectives and ex-lover Paul Brenner and Sara Sunhill are called in to investigate. They discover that things are happening in the army that cannot bear the light of day.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Paul Brenner

Sara Sunhill

Lt. Gen. Joseph Campbell

Col. William Kent

Capt. Elizabeth Campbell

Police Chief Yardley

Colonel George Fowler

Col. Robert Moore

Col. Dr. Donald Slesinger

Capt. Jake Elby

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Very good, realistic story with a heavy background. Good cast commenting that they made a perfect choice for General Campbell. From Travolta, I thought this was one of his better achievements. Sara's DNA bluff scene in the military's locker room was the best for me. Fascinating film with some tense moments. I thought the first confrontation on his houseboat was unnecessary; it added nothing. Who the physical killer was was unfortunately too predictable. Other than that, I saw a great movie.

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Nice film in which an army detective investigates the murder of the general's daughter. An entertaining plot about an army murder investigation. All pretty cliche. John Travolta may not be the best casting choice, but he manages to entertain in a slightly overweight role.

In the review 3.5 stars seem a bit too ambitious.

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It's been a really long time since I've seen this movie. Because I liked him then, he was still etched in my memory. I remembered the way the General's daughter was involved and the involvement of her father. I kind of lost the rest of the story after 20 years. The starting point was good and certainly very topical today. The only thing I didn't like about this film is the execution and direction. The whole thing could have been registered a bit more tightly. Too many bells and whistles for it. Helicopters that we saw regularly come over and more what this soup. The robbery doesn't start too well either. Fortunately, the film also has its highlights, but it is nowhere high. Thought Travolta was a bit decent in this movie. Also saw a different ending in the extras, but they left that out, because Travolta is no Tom Cruise. They left out the whole romantic part anyway. No loss. I would have liked to have seen more tension.

The film is now out on Blu-ray. Has a neat transfer with beautiful colors, although it is not equally sharp everywhere. The sound is somewhat variable. Dialogues are good, the special effects less so. The soundtrack didn't appeal to me everywhere I must say. A film with the necessary pluses and minuses, but a sufficient one.

Movie 3.0
Image 4.0 (English subs)
Sound 3.5

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