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Candy (2006)

Drama | 116 minutes
3,44 393 votes

Genre: Drama / Romance

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: Australia

Directed by: Neil Armfield

Stars: Abbie Cornish, Heath Ledger and Geoffrey Rush

IMDb score: 7,2 (48.595)

Releasedate: 25 May 2006

Candy plot

"More is never enough."

The beautiful and sexy Candy meets the reckless Dan. The two fall so in love that nothing can stand in their way. At one point they are totally broke, but their love keeps them positive about the future. Even the heroin they occasionally use has absolutely no influence on their happiness in life. If at some point heroin use increases, they can no longer control their paradise life and lose control.

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avatar van K. V.

K. V.

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Brought this one once and despite the sweet title, it's not such a sweet film. A fairly heavy drama about drug use. There are a few scenes that make the film a bit harder, it's not really a good film.

The cast did a great job and the movie looked good. The playing time was also good, not too long and not too short.

I didn't really know what to expect, but I thought it was worth checking out.

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Sergio Leone

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Pretty strong.

Yes, it's all been done 100 or so times before, but anyway, Candy is good. The first fifteen minutes is a bit vague, but once that hurdle has passed you get to see an addicted couple for an hour and a half, where the ups and downs always charmed me for once.

The cast is a definite plus in this one. Heath Ledger is very strong, but Abbie Cornish and a sympathetic Geoffrey Rush are also excellent in their slightly smaller roles.

Furthermore, Candy is 'smaller' and 'more common' than films like Requiem for a Dream. This film lives less on flashy and hip montages. That certainly does not make the impact less, on the contrary. Apart from the slightly too simple scene in the bank branch, I like this slightly rawer approach.


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Never heard of Armfield as a director, but it looks like this was also his first film and only made another film 9 years later. Maybe he does some odd jobs in other areas, but if I see it that way, there is definitely potential. What is missing is the extra bit in this film, because the underlying support was definitely there.

When I saw that Cornish and Ledger were going to play the lead roles, I had to smile a bit. In the meantime, two names have become convincing, despite the fact that Ledger had to leave our world too early. The sad thing is, they never come off completely. The acting is good, the characters themselves just don't want to be interested. The situations they experience are the strength of the film, but not because they themselves are so intriguing to watch.

Furthermore, Armfield opts for a very reserved and introverted style. It's not a film that likes to prove itself with bright filters or rotating cameras. The direct approach sometimes works, but the film really shines when it comes to claustrophobic images. Depicting the process of rehab is very strong. During those scenes I was still watching the rest of the film, which can't reach that level at all.

So I come to the conclusion that Candy is a movie that could have worked better if the characters had been a bit more distinctive. We do get enough background, yes, but that doesn't change the personalities of these two much. What was also lacking for me is an entertaining chemistry. As a result, other scenes that respond more to sentiment make little impression, unfortunately. A pass will certainly come off, but not a high pass.

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