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The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)

Crime | 116 minutes
3,58 1.132 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 116 minuten

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Directed by: Joel Coen

Stars: Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand and James Gandolfini

IMDb score: 7,5 (117.068)

Releasedate: 26 October 2001

The Man Who Wasn't There plot

"The last thing on his mind is murder."

When Creighton Tolliver visits barber Ed Crane for a haircut, he tells Ed about a business deal. He wants to enter the market of the future: that of dry cleaners. However, he is $10,000 short to close the deal. Interested, Ed says he will have the money within a week. He has a plan to get the money: he decides to blackmail "Big Dave" with his adultery. Initially, the plan seems to work, until Big Dave realizes who is blackmailing him...

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Big Dave Brewster

Ann Nirdlinger Brewster

Creighton Tolliver

Walter Abundas

Freddy Riedenschneider

Officer Persky

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For me it also goes a bit in all directions with those Coen's. Fortunately, this actually shows few similarities with something like The Big Lebowski, because where that film was full of adolescent humor and irritating shrewdness, the humor here is bone dry and often a bit more subtle. I know how to appreciate that much better. Also thanks in particular to a brilliant Billy Bob Thornton, who excels here in his character of indolent ape. Actually, the film is one big accumulation of misery, but because the main character undergoes everything so stoically, it never feels that way. It's often not really that 'haha, I'm in a dent' humor, it's more the overall situation and the ever-increasing malaise that is simply hilarious when you think about it.

Unfortunately I apparently had picked up a color version again, because I can imagine that the original black and white style has more authenticity. One of the reasons I'm giving it a good 3.5* for now, the other reason is related to the ending, which I thought was a tad on the safe side. As well as the run-up to it.

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A Coen film can always be called special, good or not. That special atmosphere is certainly here. The fifties setting, the black and white, the noir feeling, the narration, the slowness, the emotionless. The last 2 things in particular are against the film. Where in the beginning you are still triggered by Thornton's extreme timidity, it eventually becomes annoying.

There are plenty of chuckles in it and the humor is subtly brought. The story proceeds smoothly with again subtle turns. It's all very clean and neatly shot. It never gets exciting, mysterious or really dramatic. Halfway through it even gets boring, but towards the end a subtle twist again. I don't know. It looks good, but won't come in. When the credits rolled, I shrugged, perhaps that says enough. He won't linger with me.

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