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Imaginary (2024)

Horror | 104 minutes
2,09 104 votes

Genre: Horror / Mystery

Duration: 104 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Jeff Wadlow

Stars: DeWanda Wise, Tom Payne and Taegen Burns

IMDb score: 4,7 (16.692)

Releasedate: 6 March 2024

Imaginary plot

"Meet Chauncey. He's not imaginary. And he's not your friend."

When Jessica returns to her childhood home with her family, her youngest stepdaughter Alice develops an eerie bond with a stuffed bear named Chauncey that she finds in the basement. Alice begins playing games with Chauncey that start playfully and become increasingly sinister. As Alice's behavior becomes increasingly disturbing, Jessica intervenes only to discover that Chauncey is much more than the teddy bear she thought he was.

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Imaginary is a small and well put together product that is full of clichés for the first half hour, but is developed effectively. You continue to feel a constant sense of tension. It's just a shame that the last half hour goes off track and the film becomes way too lazy with the exposition dump. The old lady who turns out to be a living encyclopedia and of course also very predictably pursues a kind of double agenda.

Nice for a simple evening of horror. But it doesn't manage to be anything above average and it's a shame that the ending doesn't work well.

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If you make a film like Imaginary, you may already know in advance that the course will not be particularly innovative. Director Jeff Wadlow makes no effort to hide this and therefore simply tries to strengthen the well-known elements. He certainly makes a good impression towards the finale visually, but the content is too neglected to ignore. Ultimately, everything hangs together so loosely and unthought-out that as a viewer, even with the best will in the world, you can no longer ignore it. Three different people co-wrote the screenplay, but appear to have clashed frequently during the process. The story doesn't come together and takes on too much for a simple horror movie like this. The acting of the family is solid (especially the kids do very well), the visual design in the finale, some atmospheric thriller moments in the first half and of course Chauncey Bear. I had a good time, but perhaps it is time that Wadlow started to care more about the content of his (horror) films. This is now the umpteenth time that he has come up with a messy and run-down end result.

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I'm always curious about a new Blumhouse film, but this one just wasn't it.

I especially thought the first hour was quite good. As soon as Chauncey is introduced, the tension builds up a bit and that was quite effective. But after that hour things went downhill unfortunately. We go from an imaginary bear to an imaginary world and unfortunately it didn't work that way for me. That big bear and then that spider are supposed to be scary? Maybe for kids, but not for the adult audience.

By the way, it all looked great visually, including that imaginary world. And I especially thought the children's acting was good. I expected their father to be the skeptic of the family. You often see that in these types of horror films. But his role was so marginal that he might as well not have been in it.

There would certainly have been enough if the ending had been better.

2.5 stars.

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