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Tomorrowland (2015)

Family | 130 minutes
2,95 815 votes

Genre: Family / Scifi

Duration: 130 minuten

Alternative titles: Project T / Disney Project T

Country: United States / Spain

Directed by: Brad Bird

Stars: Britt Robertson, George Clooney and Raffey Cassidy

IMDb score: 6,4 (194.867)

Releasedate: 19 May 2015

Tomorrowland plot

"Imagine a world where nothing is impossible."

Bound together by a shared destiny, a brightly optimistic teenager bursting with scientific curiosity and a former child genius ravaged by disillusionment set out on a perilous journey. Their goal is to find the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space, which exists in their shared memory under the name 'Tomorrowland'.

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A family film pur sang: playful, spectacular and colourful. Perfect material for a director like Bird.

The film takes a long time to introduce everyone from young Clooney to lead character Casey and while these introductions are quite entertaining, you wait for Bird to kick the film into the next gear. And that happens when Casey has to search for answers and eventually ends up with Clooney. Then it turns out that Bird not only has an eye for spectacle and visual effects, but also for characters and dialogues. Clooney is not a Nespresso charmer for a while, but plays a grumpy old man who immediately thunders Casey out of his house. And Robertson's character also gets enough humor and takes revenge in a comic way. The bickering and arguing between the two is entertaining. Bird has a cynical and often bone-dry tone.

The bad guys in black suits are also very nice. Kind of like Agent Smith, but with a huge Prodent grin. When these men attack Walker's house, Bird shows us a strong mix of suspense, action and well-timed humor. In terms of adventure and special effects, it's all fine anyway, but it's that humor that does the film a lot of good. Especially towards the end everything threatens to become very sugary (as with so many family films) and especially with the moralistic message Bird balances on the edge. But luckily he never gets over it.

3.5 stars.

Project T - shockdnieuws.nl

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Real family film, with a strong plot that might be a bit complicated for the target audience. Time is taken to set up characters and the basis of the story, a great atmosphere is created, dialogues are good and sharp, that starts in the first scene with the video that Frank and Casey make.

The timeline jumps back and forth, when the story really starts to run, the whole thing has become quite complex. There is enough beautiful, but not excessive, CGI for the necessary amazement, without immediately being at the expense of the story and acting. There is humor, tension, emotion and there is morality without being annoying, a nice balance.

The acting ranges from adequate to good, the Young Ladies are excellent, Britt Robertson as the quirky Casey, Raffey Cassidy as the fascinating Android girl. Clooney proves quite capable of giving the "youngsters" a place at the front of the stage and playing a decent second fiddle himself to let the rest shine. Hugh Laurie is well cast as a megalomaniac cynical nihilist at his best. That actually applies to the entire cast.

Cinematography is well taken care of and at times really original. The transitions when Casey takes the badge, the escape from Frank's house, the cyberpunk scenes in the Eiffel Tower, it all looks fantastic, original, again without getting in the way of the story.

Knitting a good, fitting end to this beautifully worked out story turned out to be difficult, a pretty happy ending in the Disney tradition, but not very strong.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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No idea why I included this. Presumably because the trailer looked quite nice. Maybe I shouldn't have done it. It didn't start all that bad though. The first part was actually quite enjoyable, but from meeting Clooney's it just went downhill for the movie

A bit messy and messy at times. Especially towards the end I really had to drag myself to it. Away magic too. Pretty nice given that pin and Tomorrowland looked pretty nice. Too bad the soul was taken out. Not that it was that special otherwise, but still.

Visually quite good, substantive it sinks a bit. Disney horror at its best with a moralistic undertone. Not really my thing...

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