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Filmography Sergei Artsybashev

The complete filmography of Sergei Artsybashev. An overview of all movies and series as an actor, producer, writer, director and editor with a MovieMeter rating.

Actor (6)

Durak (2014)

as Tulsky
Drama / Crime
3,70 (99)

12 (2007)

as Juror #10
Drama / Crime
3,30 (67)

The Inner Circle (1991)

as Beria's Officer
3,02 (21)

Nebesa Obetovannye (1991)

Comedy / Drama
3,00 (1)

Zabytaya Melodiya Dlya Fleyty (1988)

as Alexey Akimovich
Comedy / Drama
3,50 (1)

Zhestokiy Romans (1984)

as Gulyayev
Drama / Romance
3,83 (12)