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Unit 13 (1996-1999)

3 seasons
3,73 63 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Netherlands

Developed by: Felix Thijssen and Simon de Waal

Stars: Frederik de Groot, Bram van der Vlugt and Peter Tuinman

IMDb score: 8,2 (270)

Releasedate: Saturday 12 October 1996


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Unit 13 plot

The crime organization Scylla takes center stage in Unit 13. Scylla consists of several divisions, including a drug, weapons and art division. These divisions are run by Gerard Ruysdael and Johan Faber. Shortly after the foundation of Scylla, all kinds of Units were established throughout the Netherlands. Unit 13 is placed on the 'Scylla' case. The team, led by Public Prosecutor Rieding, consists of Chief Inspector Talsma, Govers, de Leeuw, Amati, Bresler and analyst Toorop, who is called Kinky. During the investigation, the Adrienne's husband, Paul, is murdered, and their daughter barely escapes a murder attempt. The unit members manage to pick up more and more people and are getting closer and closer to the top of Scylla.

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Opinions about Unit 13

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  • 23 votes
Thursday 24 May 2018
Unit 13 season 1

This is surely the best Dutch Police series ever made, barely surpassed after 20 years.

Tension, drama, action excellent acting and of course the threatening score of Henny Vrienten.

with a special mention to Luc Boyer as the unforgettable icy killer Charon.

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