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Orange Is the New Black - Season 4 (2016)

3,72 120 votes

Show title: Orange Is the New Black

IMDb score: 8,0 (326.194)

Episodes: 13

Developed by: Jenji Kohan

Stars: Taylor Schilling, Kate Mulgrew and Michael Harney

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Friday 17 June 2016

First aired on: Netflix (Nederland)

Orange Is the New Black plot

Piper Chapman's wild past comes after her, resulting in her arrest and sojourn in a federal prison. To pay off her debt to society, Piper trades her comfortable New York life for orange prison overalls, and encounters unexpected conflict and friends among a group of eccentric inmates.

Episodes Season 4 (2016)

  1. 1. Work That Body for Me

    17 June 2016

  2. 2. Power Suit

    17 June 2016

  3. 3. (Don't) Say Anything

    17 June 2016

  4. 4. Doctor Psycho

    17 June 2016

  5. 5. We'll Always Have Baltimore

    17 June 2016

  6. 6. Piece of Sh*t

    17 June 2016

  7. 7. It Sounded Nicer in My Head

    17 June 2016

  8. 8. Friends in Low Places

    17 June 2016

  9. 9. Turn Table Turn

    17 June 2016

  10. 10. Bunny, Skull, Bunny, Skull

    17 June 2016

  11. 11. People Persons

    17 June 2016

  12. 12. The Animals

    17 June 2016

  13. 13. Toast Can't Never Be Bread

    17 June 2016

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Piper Chapman

Alex Vause

Tasha 'Taystee' Jefferson

Galina 'Red' Reznikov

Tiffany 'Pennsatucky' Doggett

Gloria Mendoza

Suzanne 'Crazy Eyes' Warren

Miss Claudette Pelage

Dayanara 'Daya' Diaz

Lorna Morello

Poussey Washington

Blanca Flores

Reviews & comments

avatar van centurion81


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Hands down, the best season yet! I'm really glad it has some more drama and grimness!

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avatar van brawljeff


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Top season. Nice that they still mainly highlight new characters and don't unnecessarily milk old characters out of their past (as Lost sometimes did). This season had some fun new characters. Especially the new guards.

Characters like Tasty and Piper were finally used strongly again, but once again it is Red, Suzanne and Cindy who stand out. Also, after her introduction last season, I didn't expect Lolly to become such a strong character.

The pace was good, there was a lot of tension and there were some nice and less nice surprises towards the end. Wonderful series.

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To be honest, I just thought it was less. The storylines become thinner, are repetitive and the refreshing is gone (logical of course because it is series 4). The highlights have already happened and in fact you have to stop (which I really liked with Penny Dreadfull, for example). I'm afraid it will either just get further unrealistic or that it will become more of a soap opera.

Anyway, from a commercial point of view it is of course smart to let this continue. A lot of regular fans who love it and that they are awarded. I quit.

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