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Jung-jeung-eui-sang-sen-teo (2025)

1 season
2,00 2 votes

Alternative titles: The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call / 중증외상센터

State: In Production

Genre: Drama

Origin: South Korea

Developed by: Lee Do-yoon

Stars: Ju Ji-hoon, Choo Young-woo and Yoon Kyung-ho

IMDb score: 8,5 (4.103)

Releasedate: Friday 24 January 2025


Jung-jeung-eui-sang-sen-teo plot

Baek Gang-Hyeok is a brilliant trauma surgeon who has performed surgeries in conflict zones around the world. He is confident in his abilities and has a bulldozer-like personality when he thinks he is doing the right thing. He starts working at a teaching hospital and leads the severe trauma team. The severe trauma team is a double-edged sword for the teaching hospital. This is because the more patients it saves, the more financially the hospital goes into the red.

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