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Nature - Season 15 (1996-1997)

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Show title: Nature

IMDb score: 8,9 (935)

Episodes: 14

Playing time: 12 hour and 22 minutes

Developed by: George Page and Thomas Lovejoy

Stars: George Page (voice)

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Sunday 13 October 1996

First aired on: PBS (Verenigde Staten)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


Nature plot

NATURE is about the beauty and wonders of nature. The documentary series shows how different animal species live. The plant world is also brought to the attention. Other aspects of nature and ecosystems are also discussed.

Episodes Season 15 (1996-1997)

  1. 1. Sperm Whales: The Real Moby Dick

    13 October 1996 (53 minutes)

  2. 2. The Crater Lions

    20 October 1996 (53 minutes)

  3. 3. Mask of the Mandrill

    10 November 1996 (53 minutes)

  4. 4. The Joy of Pigs

    17 November 1996 (53 minutes)

  5. 5. Echo of the Elephants: The Next Generation

    8 December 1996 (53 minutes)

  6. 6. Wolves and Buffalo: The Last Frontier

    12 January 1997 (53 minutes)

  7. 7. The Elephant Men

    16 February 1997 (53 minutes)

  8. 8. A Lemur's Tale

    23 February 1997 (53 minutes)

  9. 9. Extraordinary Dogs

    9 March 1997 (53 minutes)

  10. 10. Bowerbird Blues

    13 April 1997 (53 minutes)

  11. 11. Spirits of the Jaguar: The Forging of a New World

    11 May 1997 (53 minutes)

  12. 12. Spirits of the Jaguar: The Forests of Maya

    12 May 1997 (53 minutes)

  13. 13. Spirits of the Jaguar: Hunters of the Caribbean Sea

    13 May 1997 (53 minutes)

  14. 14. Spirits of the Jaguar: The World of Aztecs

    14 May 1997 (53 minutes)

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