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Flodder (1993-1998)

5 seasons
3,27 541 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: Netherlands

Developed by: Dick Maas

Stars: Nelly Frijda, Coen van Vrijberghe de Coningh and Stefan de Walle

IMDb score: 6,8 (1.949)

Releasedate: Thursday 7 October 1993


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Flodder plot

The completely antisocial Flodder family lives in an upscale neighbourhood. The mother is the boss in the family and makes a valuable contribution by distilling gin. The sons are not unknown to the police and the shapely daughter Kees does not take it too seriously. Time and again tensions and irritations arise with the local residents and this naturally leads to all kinds of comical situations.

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avatar of Scarafax


  • 453 votes
Wednesday 26 December 2018
Flodder season 1

One of the few Dutch comedy series that is still fun years later. And of course Tatjana Simic +1... damns... (even now)

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avatar of rcuppen79


  • 43 votes
Monday 3 July 2023
Flodder season 1

After two extremely successful films, the adventures of the Flodder family moved to the small screen. Youth channel Veronica produced the series together with First Floor Features, the production company of Dick Maas and Laurens Geels. However, Huub Stapel and René van 't Hof were not hungry to go through life as Johnny and Kees Flodder any longer and were replaced in the series by actors Coen van Vrijberghe de Coningh and Stefan de Walle. The rest of the cast did return, with the exception of actor Jan-Willem Hees who played the role of Grandpa Flodder in the 1986 film Flodder. He died in 1989 at the age of 76 and was replaced in the series by Herman Passchier.

The series is a reboot of sorts, disregarding much of the previous two films. The Flodders have recently moved into an empty villa in a wealthy neighbourhood. They regularly clash with the posh local residents and it is the thankless task of municipal official Sjakie to appease the tempers between the two. Since the series was made for the small screen, the budget is also a bit lower and the series as a whole is also a bit more well-behaved than the films. Yet Flodder has lost none of its charm and the move to the small screen has been a successful move.

Coen van Vrijberghe de Coningh and Stefan de Walle are good successors to Huub Stapel and René van 't Hof, but their versions of Johnny and Kees Flodder are a lot more caricatured. Other than that, the formula has remained unchanged. Flodder works surprisingly well in TV format and the series was a huge success with the public right from the start. This first season is therefore a great start, with the highlights being the episodes “Gold Money” in which Johnny thinks he can earn a lot from a 06 sex line and “The most beautiful day of your life” in which Johnny is getting married.

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