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Uzumaki (2024)

1 season
No votes

Alternative title: うずまき

State: In Production

Genre: Animation

Origin: Japan / United States

Developed by: Ari Aster and Jason DeMarco

Stars: Uki Satake, Shin-ichiro Miki and Mariya Ise

IMDb score: 8,6 (945)

Releasedate: Saturday 28 September 2024


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Uzumaki plot

Kirie Goshima is a high school girl born and raised in the isolated town of Kurouzu-cho. Lately, mysterious events have been occurring that are related to spirals, causing the bodies of the townspeople to change in unnatural ways. In an attempt to escape the spirals’ curse, Kirie decides to flee Kurouzu-cho. But is it possible?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Kirie Goshima (voice)

Shuichi Saito (voice)

Azami Kurotani (voice)

Yasuo Goshima (voice)

Mr. Saito (voice)

Yukie Saito (voice)

Katayama (voice)

Tsumura (voice)

Mr. Yokota (voice)

Shiho Ishikawa (voice)