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Full cast & crew of Hart to Hart

Here you will find an overview of the cast & crew of the Hart to Hart series from the year 1979, including all actors, actresses and the director. When you click on the name of an actor, actress or director from the Hart to Hart series, you can view more films and/or series by him or her. Click here for more information about the series. Click here for more information about the series.

We have made an overview that includes: actors, directors, the production team, the camera team, writers and other crew members.

Actors and actresses

Amanda McBroom

Amanda McBroom

Charly McClain

Charly McClain

The Rhinestone Cowgirl
Skip Stephenson

Skip Stephenson

Patricia Murray

Patricia Murray

Peter Brandon

Peter Brandon

Colette Bertrand

Colette Bertrand

Monique Renoir
Carrell Myers

Carrell Myers

Karen Michaels




Artistic design

Bob Signorelli

Bob Signorelli

Set Decoration
James J. Agazzi

James J. Agazzi

Art Direction
Robin Royce

Robin Royce

Set Decoration
Paul Sylos

Paul Sylos

Art Direction
Brian Ackland-Snow

Brian Ackland-Snow

Art Direction
John Wood

John Wood

Art Direction
Peter James

Peter James

Set Decoration
Ross Bellah

Ross Bellah

Art Direction
James I. Colburn

James I. Colburn

Set Decoration


Duke Callaghan

Duke Callaghan

Director of Photography
John Coquillon

John Coquillon

Director of Photography
William Cronjager

William Cronjager

Director of Photography

Movie Editing


Mark Snow

Mark Snow

Main Title Theme Composer