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Hart to Hart (1979-1984)

5 seasons
3,02 27 votes

Alternative title: Harten 2

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: United States

Developed by: Sidney Sheldon

Stars: Lionel Stander, Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner

IMDb score: 6,7 (8.977)

Releasedate: Saturday 22 September 1979

Hart to Hart plot

Jonathan Hart is a self-made millionaire and the CEO of Hart Industries, a global conglomerate. His wife Jennifer is a handsome freelance journalist. In the jet set lifestyle, the glamorous couples spend their free time as amateur detectives. In their lavish California home, they are assisted by Max, their loyal, foul-mouthed butler, cook and driver who also assists with their investigations. The Harts' favorite pet is the dog "Freeway".

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