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Objective, Burma! (1945)

War | 142 minutes
3,47 84 votes

Genre: War

Duration: 142 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Raoul Walsh

Stars: Errol Flynn, James Brown and William Prince

IMDb score: 7,3 (5.704)

Releasedate: 17 February 1945

Objective, Burma! plot

"An American platoon parachutes into Burma to take out a strategic Japanese outpost"

In World War II, Burma is the largest battlefield in the world and after the humiliation two years ago, the Americans now have something to prove. In an important mission, they must locate and take out a communist center. A journalist joins the patrol.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Capt. Nelson

Mark Williams

Cpl. Gabby Gordon

SSgt. Treacy

Pvt. Nebraska Hooper

Cpl. Brophy - Radioman

Pvt. Soapy Higgins

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This should have been a tribute to the bravery of the American soldiers, which caused a diplomatic clash between Americans and British at the time. The British were reportedly furious because there was no reference anywhere that the British had also taken part in this battle and also had very many casualties in their ranks.

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The next step in the war week was this relatively unknown film that I had scored a while ago via marketplace and had mainly purchased because of the good reviews, so my curiosity was great.

And Objective Burma therefore starts interestingly with an introduction with authentic images and famous names in the form of General Charles Wingate and Merrill's Marauders and thus lays a foundation similar to Battleground from '49. A commando raid is being prepared and is to be carried out by Captain Nelson and his men, the target being an important Japanese radar station. The film is characterized in a beautiful, appropriate black and white style, an 18-year-old colleague exclaimed yesterday why on earth you were going to see a film in black and white, and especially a lot of dry soldier humor. It makes the whole thing pleasant up to and including the departure on arrival where it all gets a bit more serious and the action looks good for '45.

Strange is the language that the Japs supposedly speak, Errol Flynn often plays the role of leader with verve of the slightly less serious work, there are great action scenes in which the flight, hardship and tension are nicely portrayed. Also certainly beautiful is the built-up tension at the end in the dark. If I had to mention a downside, it concerns to a certain extent the playing time which is on the long side and would have benefited from a slightly more compact shape.

Nevertheless, Objective Burma surprises more than as an excellent and entertaining war film with a very fine and smooth style for '45.

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