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Red Sparrow (2018)

Thriller | 140 minutes
3,20 1.030 votes

Genre: Thriller

Duration: 140 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Francis Lawrence

Stars: Jennifer Lawrence, Joel Edgerton and Matthias Schoenaerts

IMDb score: 6,6 (209.457)

Releasedate: 28 February 2018

Red Sparrow plot

"Seduce. Deceive. Repeat."

Dominika Egorova tries to survive in the bitter bureaucratic reality that makes up today's Russian secret services. She is recruited against her will to gather information about the US intelligence services. All means are allowed for this. She must seduce CIA agent Nathaniel Nash and the two soon find themselves diametrically opposed. Her mission is complicated when she is recruited into the CIA to find a traitor in Washington.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Dominika Egorova

Nathaniel "Natan" Nash

Vladimir Korchnoi

Alexei Zyuganov

Stephanie Boucher

Marty Gable

Maxim Volontov

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avatar van Onderhond


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A very average spy thriller in terms of plot and set-up. Russia vs the US is brought up again, certainly has absolutely nothing to do with the current political situation. Just hope they don't start raising those old cows again in film land, I'm not really looking forward to that.

You should definitely not watch this one for the story. Here and there some obligatory songs and some surprise twists towards the end. Such a film where you actually already know in advance that you will be ripped off, but that the end also just plainly explains how the fork is in the handle. So little reason to pay attention.

Fortunately, the stylization is of a slightly higher level. Nothing earth-shattering, but it still looks pretty sleek and precise. Camera work is neat, use of color is precise and every now and then there are scenes that remain on the retina. Nice acting by Lawrence and Schoenaerts further, although you have to wonder why there is such a huge lack of Russian actors, that's not really of this time.

A bit long too, luckily it also remains visually interesting, so that it is doable for once.


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Jennifer Lawrence does it again in this stylishly shot film with a very strikingly challenging role that you wouldn't expect right away. The story is nothing new under the sun, but the way the film is developed makes this piece slightly different from most films in this genre. Sometimes quite brutal and completely naked is not avoided. 140 minutes seems a bit long, but I didn't look at the clock. It might have been a little shorter. The punch line is also not easy to predict and the lock is definitely solid. 7/10

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Don Homer

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Nice to see Thekla Reuter and Mathias Schoenaerts in a movie. They are doing well. Jennifer Lawrence is also quite nice. I especially struggle with the messy, unbelievable script and certain aspects that Lovelyboy already describes below. The torture methods didn't make me happy either.

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