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Constantine (2005)

Thriller | 121 minutes
3,22 2.222 votes

Genre: Thriller / Horror

Duration: 121 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: Francis Lawrence

Stars: Keanu Reeves, Rachel Weisz and Shia LaBeouf

IMDb score: 7,0 (387.642)

Releasedate: 8 February 2005

Constantine plot

"Hell wants him. Heaven won't take him. Earth needs him."

John Constantine (Keanu Reeves) has been to hell and returned. He was born with a gift he doesn't want: the ability to recognize angels and demons living in human form on Earth. His help is enlisted by a desperate but skeptical police investigator Angela Dodson (Rachel Weisz) to solve the mysterious death of her beloved twin sister. The investigation takes them into the world of the demons and angels who live in Los Angeles. They are both caught up in a fateful series of otherworldly events. Is there any escape from this hell on earth?

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Blissful video.

Enjoyed the entrance of "Lu" immensely. Had seen it a dozen times, so give it a score....

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Constantine a film with a mediocre story but beautiful images and a well-cast Reeves make up for it somewhat.

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Nice pulp film. Constantine may not be very well put together, certainly in terms of plot, and at least it does drop some stitches. Nevertheless, the film entertains enormously, and a fascinating and atmospheric world is created. The dark, gloomy visual style works well, and gives the film a really nice aesthetic. The dark brown color palette may be a bit striking at first, but you get used to it quickly. Also the short looks at hell look great, and fit well with the visual atmosphere created. Only the demons don't look real anymore, but those bad effects added to the pulp atmosphere. I really have little to say in that regard, and the combination of beautiful cinematography, a nice atmosphere and a fascinating universe, makes the film score a lot of points. Keanu Reeves also does a nice job. He's not a very gifted actor, but I still like to see him play, especially in these kinds of roles. A little serious looking, spouting one-liners, some fighting. I'd be lying if I say I don't find it amusing. However, you should not give him serious scenes too often. The best part is for Peter Stormare; what a wonderful performance as Satan/Lucifer. So subtly devilish, wonderful. Towards the end it starts to drag a bit, but he completely revives the film by his entry.

Small 3.5'.

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