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Dune (1984)

Scifi | 137 minutes / 177 minutes (tv-versie) / 178 minutes (Alternatieve “spicediver” redux versie)
2,83 933 votes

Genre: Scifi

Duration: 137 minuten / 177 minuten (tv-versie) / 178 minuten (Alternatieve “spicediver” redux versie)

Alternative title: Duin

Country: United States

Directed by: David Lynch

Stars: Kyle MacLachlan, Brad Dourif and Sting

IMDb score: 6,3 (184.806)

Releasedate: 14 December 1984

Dune plot

"A world beyond your experience, beyond your imagination."

The year 10191: The entire universe depends on "spice" that can only be found on the dry and remote planet Arrakis. The planet's inhabitants await their Savior who will aid them in a holy war against the evil Harkonnen empire. Film adaptation of the classic book by Frank Herbert.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Paul Atreides

Lady Jessica

Gurney Halleck

Shadout Mapes

Padisha Emperor Shaddam IV

The Baron's Doctor

Thufir Hawat

Piter De Vries

Duncan Idaho

Princess Irulan

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Yes, bad and annoying. Tried it years ago, then turned it off after half an hour, but now tried again. Got through with difficulty.

At times there are still interesting bits, but for the most part it is quite cheesy in terms of script, contains wooden, soulless acting, plot holes, bad pacing, a lot of exposition (via voice-over and inner monologues), outdated special effects and cheap-looking costumes and sets .

The story didn't do much for me either. I haven't read the books, but I understand that this version of Dune edited or cut out a lot of the source material and that the movie could have been better if the studios hadn't intervened. The world seems too complex to me to tell in 2 hours.

Anyway, it's clearly one of Lynch's worst movies. I'm going to give the new Dune another chance, maybe a modern film adaptation by Villeneuve will translate the Dunesaga better to the silver screen.

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Reasonable film in which the inhabitants of different planets compete for a magical herb. A simple plot, but this somewhat long-winded film is a bit too stuffed and it is also delivered quite messy. David Lynch's hand is definitely visible here and there (and I'm certainly not just talking about the cast). Largely set up with beautiful sets and costumes.

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Roger Thornhill

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It's hardly possible to seriously judge this film based on the lousy scratched transfer of the Boxxz-DVD, which not only crops the picture to 4:3 format but also makes the sound duller and the colors faded. As a result, the sets also look cheaper and the FX clumsier than they might actually be, and everything looks more like a TV movie with a very limited budget or a cheap fifties-B horror movie than a big movie with appropriate production values. (so the CGI of the spaceships reminds me of Pigs in space, although the sandworm looks pretty good).

What I can see is that of the countless well-known names in the cast, only Jürgen Prochnow and the horribly beautiful Francesca Annis convince thanks to their royal gravitas, Kenneth McMillan is deliciously unappetising and Sting looks nice and mean, but Kyle MacLachlan is quite inadequate (and his huge head of hair doesn't help either, but hey, that's mainly due to the eighties). In the end, the general clumsy atmosphere mainly ensures that for me there is no trace of mystery or romance in the film, which actually makes all hope of true greatness evaporate. Fortunately, it never really gets boring, so that I was able to sit through the 130 minutes without any problems (and several times already), but I don't feel the slightest urge to look for the extended and/or polished version.

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