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Beware! The Blob (1972)

Scifi | 91 minutes
1,76 41 votes

Genre: Scifi / Horror

Duration: 91 minuten

Alternative title: Son of Blob

Country: United States

Directed by: Larry Hagman

Stars: Robert Walker Jr., Gwynne Gilford and Richard Stahl

IMDb score: 4,1 (2.545)

Releasedate: 21 June 1972

Beware! The Blob plot

"It's loose again eating everyone!"

A researcher from the North Pole takes home a frozen substance. The trouble starts when his wife accidentally thaws the substance.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Bobby Hartford

Edward Fazio

Sheriff Jones

Mr. Carmel, Hair Stylist

Young Hobo

Chester Hargis

Randy Guitar

Randy's Girlfriend

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"The Movie that JR shot!" Larry Hagman directed this sequel, which from the start gives the impression of being made by a bunch of grade school amateurs. The opening shot during the credits makes no sense, The Blob's escape is completely nonsensical. Some of the effects aren't bad at all, but it was undoubtedly wise to emphasize comedy. The acting is too bad and the story too thin to provide any serious horror. Unfortunately, it's not funny enough to make it into the "so bad it's funny" category.

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Okay cheapie horror, but are there better monsters than The Blob?? I didn't think exactly! First and last directorial effort by Larry "JR Ewing" Hagman. Don't expect too much, the versions from 1958 and 1988 are better, but definitely worth checking out for fans of The Blob!

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I didn't know that the famous Blob film from the 80s had a predecessor. Certainly a disappointment compared to the cult classic. Where the mash comes from is not explained. It's just there. And the mash doesn't actually look good. It looked like jam. The victims it made are only engulfed, so there is no question of much grossness. The sound was also missing, which is what I liked so much when the 1988 film made the association with the gurgling sounds of the pump tank.

But it remains a fascinating thing, that's for sure! It's all quite clumsy, but as so often happens, it has its charms. The acting is very poor and it doesn't look very logical.

Maybe I should check out the 50's movie too. So three films, why not?

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