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Alien: Covenant (2017)

Scifi | 122 minutes
3,05 1.324 votes

Genre: Scifi / Horror

Duration: 122 minuten

Country: United Kingdom / United States

Directed by: Ridley Scott

Stars: Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston and Billy Crudup

IMDb score: 6,4 (326.487)

Releasedate: 9 May 2017

Alien: Covenant plot

"The path to paradise begins in hell."

The crew of the colony ship Covenant is on their way to a distant planet on the other side of the galaxy. There they discover what they think is an unknown paradise, but what is actually a dark dangerous world. The only resident turns out to be the 'synthetic' David (Michael Fassbender), a survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition.

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Sad sequel to Prometheus and an even sadder prequel to Alien. Scott kills his own creature by coming up with an origin story that, in my opinion, kills the entire Alien myth. To make matters worse, he demotes the mighty Xenomorph to a minor character. Very sad.

Longer review:

Alien: Covenant (Ridley Scott) – review | It's Only a Movie - itsonlyamovie.nl

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“Serve in Heaven or reign in Hell?”

If Ridley Scott Alien continues to deliver movies of this level, then I think he can go on for a while. The level of Alien or Aliens is nowhere reached, but especially in terms of atmosphere, build-up of tension and the beautiful cinematography, Scott is in top form. The story is a bit simpler than I initially thought and Covenant is a nice sequel to Prometheus.

The biggest downside of Covenant are the interchangeable actors, with only Fassbender really making an impression. In addition, there are some gruesome scenes in the film, but the almost unbearable tension of the original films is nowhere met. Covenant is therefore not a top film, but Scott shows that he still has enough inspiration.

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De filosoof

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Where I found Cameron's Aliens an annoying, commercial imitation of Alien, I find this sequel (or prequel) - by Scott himself - particularly successful: the basic idea is admittedly a repetition of the previous one - including the stupid mistakes the crew makes - but Scott has devised an original and captivating variant with the theme of the revolt of the replicas woven into it. The film is rich in spectacular horror action and plot twists and is always exciting. Top entertainment.

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