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Some Kind of Wonderful (1987)

Romance | 93 minutes
3,19 132 votes

Genre: Romance / Drama

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Howard Deutch

Stars: Eric Stoltz, Mary Stuart Masterson and Lea Thompson

IMDb score: 7,0 (36.046)

Releasedate: 27 February 1987

Some Kind of Wonderful plot

"Before they could stand together, they had to stand alone."

Watts, a tomboy, helps her best friend find a date with the hottest girl in High School. She's dating him because she's a little fed up with her rich boyfriend. Watts plays the limo driver during the romantic getaway. However, she finds that her feelings for her best friend run deeper than she thought.

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stinissen (crew films & series)

  • 22678 messages
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Just revised the movie and the movie is just as beautiful as it was in the 80's, also nice to see the very young cast commenting that Mary Stuart Masterson is 1000 times more attractive than Lea Thompson.

The recently deceased writer

John Hughes had a lot of such films that were really wonderful to watch.

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Good romcom, although the chemistry between Stoltz and Masterson couldn't convince me all along the line. Of course "Miss Amanda Jones" by the Rolling Stones could not be missed. Undoubtedly an inspiration for Hughes script. Furthermore, a reasonable standard film of which a lot already exist, but with better-than-expected actors who pull it all up to a level. There are also some delightful dialogues. No one looked at the experience of childhood with such affection and fondness as Hughes did. No beers with this movie, a super sweet lollipop...

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Surprisingly good film with a, in my eyes, delightful Lea Thompson who carries the film and Eric Stoltz who also does a great job. Even wiped away a tear towards the end because I do like films in which the underdog gets the upper hand. Actually, I enjoyed this movie more than Footloose which I found much more superficial. 4 stars

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