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Queer (2024)

Romance | 135 minutes
3,22 56 votes

Genre: Romance / History

Duration: 135 minuten

Country: Italy / United States

Directed by: Luca Guadagnino

Stars: Daniel Craig, Drew Starkey and Lesley Manville

IMDb score: 6,5 (14.938)

Releasedate: 27 November 2024

Queer plot

Lee remembers his younger years in Mexico City. Together with other American university students and bar owners, he tries to survive on part-time work. He meets discharged Marine Allerton and falls head over heels for the young man. Allerton initially reacts indifferently to Lee's advances, who gradually develops an obsession himself.

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Flipman (redacteur)

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Quite special, I must say. I had to review this film to come to a score. Usually that process goes in parallel or I have that decided in advance.

I only had experience with Guadagnino through A Bigger Splash, which I absolutely did not like. There was a nice build-up, but it took too long for something to happen. And at that point it was already too late for me.

Queer is, literally and figuratively, a different story. I found it very difficult to put into words what exactly it did to me. Or whether it even succeeded. My attention was lost at times, but came back with a bang when 'Leave Me Alone' by New Order suddenly filled the room... that is my favorite song ever, but is 'just' an album track that has no special status at all! I couldn't believe my ears!

Anyway, Lee's search for a connection is excellently portrayed and sensitively portrayed by Craig. The way in which Guadagnino portrays this quest can actually create a greater distance with the viewer. Not because of the intimate scenes, but because of the rhythm. Or the lack thereof. In short, the film is too long.

I can imagine that this was the intention, however. You have to make an effort to connect.

Anyway, you can read my full review here.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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It was laborious and I experienced it as a long sit. Never a good sign, but the film could have been cut at least twenty minutes.

Craigh as you've never seen him before. His work besides Bond is quite interesting, but here he goes completely wild as a homosexual man somewhere in the 50s in Mexico. He plays a character that I can't get a handle on. It's also hard to get any sympathy or feeling for the unkempt destructive character.

Guadagnino is not my favorite director. He scored high with Chalamet, but he won't repeat that part here. Queer is a sultry film that you have to take slowly, but you have to be careful not to stand still...

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William Lee [Daniel Craig] is a heroin addict hanging out in the gay scene of 1950s Mexico City when he becomes obsessed with the much younger Eugene [Drew Starkey]. He spends the first hour trying to figure out if Eugene is queer, then if he is “really” queer. The second half sees William and Eugene searching the jungle for Dr. Cotter [Lesley Manville], who might be able to help them obtain yagé, a substance that gives them telepathic powers. It ends with a completely pointless rip-off of the 2001: A Space Odyssey finale that you can finally talk about, but why would you? Guidagnino (Challengers) tries to compensate for the lack of plot by drawing attention to himself, adding Sinéad O'Connor, Nirvana, New Order and Prince to the soundtrack, among others. He hopes that you will consider the bizarre second part as an artistic outburst by a talented visual artist. We will not fall for that, Mr. Van Stoffelen! Without the strong acting of Craig, Starkey and Jason Schwartzman (as bar owner Joe) this would not have been worth watching.

And Yagé is not the same as Ayahuasca. It has to do with the preparation method.

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