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The Room Next Door (2024)

Drama | 110 minutes
3,21 81 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 110 minuten

Alternative title: La Habitación de al Lado

Country: Spain / United States / France

Directed by: Pedro Almodóvar

Stars: Tilda Swinton, Julianne Moore and John Turturro

IMDb score: 6,9 (16.008)

Releasedate: 7 October 2024


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


The Room Next Door plot

War journalist Martha has a tense relationship with her mother. Their argument stems from a misunderstanding. Martha's good friend Ingrid is a writer of autofictional novels. It is also Ingrid who witnesses the disagreements and rift between mother and daughter.

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During a book signing, author and journalist Ingrid [Julianne Moore] hears from former colleague Stella [Sarah Demeestere] that her good friend Martha [Tilda Swinton] has been admitted to hospital with cancer. Ingrid decides to visit Martha and is faced with a moral dilemma wwhen Martha asks her to be in 'the room next door' when she ends her life with a euthanasia pill.This has to happen during a holiday in a luxurious, remote house and that offers Ingrid and Martha the opportunity to reminisce and strengthen their emotional bond. Ingrid finds moral support in her ex-boyfriend Damian [John Turturro]. A dialogue-based, predictable psychological drama that relies on the strong acting of the two main characters. Not bad, but Almodóvar's screenplay is disappointingly conventional.

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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Film in which much is said but little is said. Quite a few themes are discussed, including an indictment of the legislation on euthanasia and Turturro in a nice role is allowed to shout something about climate change but that really hangs there too much and does not really fit the film. And actually it is mainly open doors that are kicked in. Furthermore, this is a long talkie in which nothing interesting can be heard and almost nothing interesting can be seen. Rock-solid camera work with the bright colours of Almodóvar (this time a lot of green, you normally see less of that) but never a special moment or image. Yes, the last shot is beautiful and you can frame it like that but that is the only thing. In the beginning there are a few nice scenes that break with the two women (also portrayed very dull by both actresses) but after about twenty minutes that is unfortunately over too. 1.5*.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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My 17th Almodovar in the meantime and Swinton's counter also runs with 30 films. Both find each other again after La voz humana and that is not a bad thing in itself. I can divide Almodovar's oeuvre into hit or miss, this one is somewhere in between. A talkie I already read here, well, there is something to that, because apart from Turturro's role it is largely about the conversations between Moore and Swinton.

The latter is terminal and in that last period she tightens her ties with her girlfriend. It is often about banal things. Her illness and the wish for euthanasia are hardly discussed. As a result, the film lacks some sharpness. I am quite fond of the idea and the plot of Almodovar, but it is perhaps not sufficiently developed. Nevertheless, the film lingers, especially the last 20 minutes.

The last part is more of a conclusion than a newly developed plot. I would have preferred it otherwise. Strong acting anyway and technically as expected. Furthermore, this film will not score high with the general public I suspect.

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