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Weiser (2001)

Mystery | 95 minutes
2,50 5 votes

Genre: Mystery

Duration: 95 minuten

Country: Poland / Switzerland / Germany / Denmark

Directed by: Wojciech Marczewski

Stars: Marek Kondrat and Juliane Köhler

IMDb score: 6,1 (396)

Releasedate: 18 January 2001


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Weiser plot

Dawid Weiser is a twelve year old boy who is always alone, one day that changes and he meets four boys and becomes friends. Dawid has a great hobby and that is explosions, if one day an explosion occurs near them, Dawid has disappeared without a trace. The four friends go in search of Dawid, because he must have stayed somewhere, right?

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Pawel Heller

Juliana, narzeczona Pawła

Sędzia prowadząca śledztwo w sprawie wybuchu

Kołota, kierownik szkoły

Ksiądz proboszcz

Dziadek Dawida

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