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Royal Wedding (1951)

Music | 93 minutes
3,05 55 votes

Genre: Music / Comedy

Duration: 93 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Stanley Donen

Stars: Fred Astaire, Jane Powell and Peter Lawford

IMDb score: 6,7 (6.317)

Releasedate: 8 March 1951

Royal Wedding plot

"A story of a famed singing, dancing, brother and sister team!"

Brother and sister have a variety act and are now allowed to go to England to perform at the time of the wedding between Queen Elizabeth and Philip. They also perform on the boat. In England he finds the woman of his dreams and she finally manages to choose between all the men she hangs out with.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Ellen Bowen

Lord John Brindale

Anne Ashmond

Irving Klinger / Edgar Klinger

James Ashmond

Purser (uncredited)

Backstage guest (uncredited)

Telephone Operator #1 (uncredited)

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Tom Bowen: You should have seen your face when you saw me.

Anne Ashmond: How did I look?

Tom Bowen: As if I were a dentist.

We have just installed digital television here at home with the film channel TCM. I was zapping and saw that it was going to start in a few minutes so I kept watching.

First of all, the story isn't very good. The whole variety act thing between brother and sister seems to be more of a subplot to get Fred Astaire to dance as much as possible. But then I really mean as much as possible because every 5 minutes he bursts out into spontaneous singing or dancing and that gets boring after a while, although there are some pretty cool scenes like dancing on the ceiling (in itself also very well done by using a camera, accompanying cameraman and making the room rotate in a cage with a diameter of 6 meters) and the nice dance between Astaire and the coat rack.

Fred Astaire is cast here more for his dance moves because acting is not really involved. Fortunately, he excels in the other. Jane Powell, on the other hand, can also sing well but still makes sure to give a decent performance. The supporting roles are also good. The so-called twins Irving Klinger / Edgar Klinger played by Keenan Wynn were especially nice.

It's a bit too much for me to watch Fred Astaire dancing for over an hour and a half, even if he can still do it so well.


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Good film about brother and sister in the entertainment industry who perform at a Royal wedding. A poor story, but this colorful musical is presented with enough charm. Fred Astaire's dancing qualities do not disappoint. The best scene is without a doubt the scene with the revolving room (technically well done).

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Roger Thornhill

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A musical that will not immediately be seen as a highlight in the careers of Fred Astaire and producer Arthur Freed, but there are still plenty of strong moments: Astaire dancing alone in the fitness room of the cruise ship, the farcical argument duet How could you believe me when I said I love you when you know I've been a liar all my life? in which Jane Powell Astaire plays an excellent role, the colorful I left my hat in Haiti , and of course Astaire dancing on the walls and ceiling during You're all the world to me. We don't have to do it for the sake of the plot this time, so after one dance scene I just wait for the next one and try not to get annoyed by Jane Powell's trembling singing voice in the meantime. Fortunately, as mentioned, he can dance excellently, and with the funny double role of Keenan Wynn and the sultry looks of Peter Lawford, there is plenty to enjoy. And I haven't even mentioned that Fred's "love interest" is actually Winston Churchill's daughter in real life! Not a classic, but certainly fun.

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