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Flashdance (1983)

Music | 96 minutes
2,62 469 votes

Genre: Music / Drama

Duration: 96 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Adrian Lyne

Stars: Jennifer Beals, Michael Nouri and Lilia Skala

IMDb score: 6,2 (61.274)

Releasedate: 14 April 1983

Flashdance plot

"She works in a man's world. She dances in the world of her dreams."

Eighteen-year-old Alex Owens works as a welder in a steel mill by day and a sultry dancer in a bar by night. In her dreams, however, she is already a celebrated ballerina. Through auditions she tries to be admitted to a professional dance school.

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Film Pegasus (moderator films)

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A dance film that I ignored for a long time. This comes from a time when a movie was made to promote a song like Top Gun. Not coincidentally from the same producers. And the choreography in this movie isn't exactly good.

But the film has more to offer. It's not exactly the good teenage dance film, but it has an edge of sex and violence. The film's great asset (besides Jennifer Beals of course) is its cinematography. Nice to see, completely 80's but also with beautiful light and camera work. Was deservedly nominated for an Oscar. The music is also somewhat menacing. Reminiscent of the revival in the Stranger Things series. Composer Giorgio Moroder is gradually building his hit Flashdance into the film. And I have to admit that this song sounds much better than eg Take my breath away from him.

The film is beautiful to watch and especially because of the low score a pleasant surprise. The story is thin and Jennifer Beals is also not the actress you want to see more movies from. But Flashdance suits her and her dancing in the Mawby's is especially well done. Again thanks to the cinematography than to the choreography. The ending is a bit disappointing with a faint dance. But fortunately 'what a feeling' was still in it.

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So far the biggest setback from Lyne's hands. I do like dance films, but then they have to have some kind of spark. This was just brought weak, Lyne just didn't seem to have the genre under control.

It seems like a lot of cutting has been done in a long film. Many scenes add nothing, come out of the blue or are suddenly there. The story itself is very messy and especially very weak. Beals plays poorly, can't save the film with her sweet smile.

The romance was very strange anyway and often too sloppy or too short. The romance often hits a pig like pincers, quarrels have no or a stupid reason and are settled within the next minute. No scene has a build-up, so they often come completely out of the blue and add absolutely nothing. If you put side plots in it, do it right.

Many characters are also suddenly there. Some are not even introduced, family dramas or other issues come up for a bit of drama but have no impact and end very suddenly leaving you with questions quite often. And the number of scenes that add nothing may also be there, about half of the film consists of nonsense.

The only thing that turned out well are the dance scenes themselves. Beautiful lighting, interesting sets and sometimes fun dance moves. That combined with nice 80's songs (She's A Maniac!) is complete. Too bad the story around it is very weak.

Didn't get through it very well either, but thanks to the interesting dance steps it was still a bit of fun.

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Very mediocre film about a dancer who has never taken lessons, wants to but doesn't really dare. Apart from the good dance scenes and music, there isn't much fun about it. Actually, I think you've already seen the movie if you've seen the dance scenes, because the romance didn't captivate me at all. Jennifer Beals plays a very stubborn woman. She makes choices that I really don't understand as a man and she continuously turns 180 degrees. Then she laughs, then she's angry. What man would want something like this at home?

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