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Town Creek (2009)

Horror | 90 minutes
2,56 344 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: Blood Creek

Country: United States

Directed by: Joel Schumacher

Stars: Dominic Purcell, Henry Cavill and Michael Fassbender

IMDb score: 5,3 (13.297)

Releasedate: 9 October 2009

Town Creek plot

"In the 1930s, Adolf Hitler believed the occult held the secret to immortality. Almost a century later, the nightmare has awakened."

In 1936, the German Wollners family, living in Town Creek, Maryland, allowed Third Reich Professor Richard Wirth to enter their home. But it soon turns out that this was a bad idea when Wirth comes up with a bizarre project. Now, in 2007, Evan Marshall loses his brother Victor during a camping trip near Town Creek. When Victor returns one night after a very long time, it turns out that something horrific has happened. At Victor's request, Evan asks no questions, but grabs his gun and follows his brother back to Town Creek.

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Full Cast & Crew

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Victor Marshall

Evan Marshall

Liese Wollner

Luke Benny

Meth Freak Girlfriend

Scrawny Meth Freak

Mr. Marshall

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avatar van wendyvortex


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Oewaahaa a Nazi in the shed, no, not such a neo case but a real vintage 1930s copy.

Very bad CGI-FX, cameraman who shoots in all directions so that we get very little of most events. There really isn't much to recommend.

But moving forward slightly deviates from the standard formulas that have been used for years and we could still laugh about it once in a while.

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avatar van SmackItUp


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Pretty cool.

And that's mainly due to the gray setting and the brisk pace. Visually, Schumacher absolutely knows what he is doing, as is often the case. Beautifully designed and a gloomy atmosphere. The film takes time to build up, but doesn't let up after that. Some cool scenes, cool bad guy, fast pace. The only thing you can blame the film for is that there are no really memorable moments in it.

Still absolutely enough for a big 3 *

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You have to love it, but I thought this one was pretty good. In addition to horror and thriller, there is also mystery. In terms of story, I liked the Raiders (you know: in search of the lost ark) much better, but that didn't spoil the fun with this film. Not all that great, on the other hand I thought the cast was quite solid. The effects were occasionally less; I think the budget was also a bit less due to the setting. A nice ending: another 'raider' added. All in all, well entertained.

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