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Sint (2010)

Horror | 88 minutes
2,67 2.202 votes

Genre: Horror / Comedy

Duration: 88 minuten

Alternative titles: Saint / Saint Nick

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Dick Maas

Stars: Egbert Jan Weeber, Bert Luppes and Huub Stapel

IMDb score: 5,6 (9.909)

Releasedate: 31 October 2010


Sint plot

"December 5 will never be the same..."

St. Niklas (Huub Stapel) is a disgraced bishop. In the Middle Ages, he and his band of robbers plunder and loot the countryside. When villagers take the law into their own hands and kill the bloodthirsty Saint and his cronies, Niklas vows revenge. Every full moon on December 5, Niklas and his gang rise from the dead to avenge themselves. This Sinterklaas evening is the full moon. Frank (Egbert-Jan Weeber) and his friends are horribly confronted by Niklas and his gang.

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Just a nice Dutch fake film that makes no sense but is just fun to watch. It contains good Dutch jokes. It's actually not very scary. It's typically Dutch, poorly acted and bad special effects, but that's what makes this film fun.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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In itself always commendable to see a horror print from the low countries. Happens too little. Not a bad film and the approach does have something in which an evil Saint appears as a kind of curse once every few years at a full moon.

A film that must be seen in early December, of course. But this strength is also its weakness for the usual reasons. It is equally recognizable because you yourself are in such an atmosphere that such films get an extra dimension. It's the same with those corny Christmas movies. They lose even more magic when you look at them in the summer.

Excellent binoculars with sense on zero. Great atmosphere setting with a snow-covered Amsterdam. I didn't think the acting was great and you shouldn't dwell on it too much plot-wise. But it really is, "good" just not.

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